Re: Discrepancy in current hour

Eric Sosman <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid>
Sat, 20 Mar 2010 17:53:51 -0400
On 3/20/2010 5:21 PM, Rhino wrote:


This is the output I got when I ran the SSCCE a few moments ago (at 5:11

The current hour on the 12 hour clock is: 6.
The current hour on the 24 hour clock is: 18.
The current time is: 18:11:39.

     You're getting the data from a bunch of GregorianCalendar
instances (not all the same instance, for some reason), and
you've created them with `new GregorianCalendar()' rather than
with the recommended `Calendar.getInstance()'. That may or may
not have something to do with your problem.


     1) Use one Calendar object instead of several.

     2) Print the toString() of that Calendar instance (my bet
        is that you'll find it's still in EST).

     3) Try using Calendar.getInstance(), and print the toString()
        of that object, too, to see if you get EDT this time.

     4) Learn to use the format() methods of PrintStream and/or
        of String.

     5) Refrain from calling non-final instance methods on objects
        that haven't finished construction! This is a Big No-No;
        don't do it!

Eric Sosman

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