Re: How do I paint on an existing Panel?

Knute Johnson <>
Fri, 17 Feb 2012 17:04:03 -0800
On 2/17/2012 10:07 AM, A B wrote:

"Knute Johnson" <> wrote on 16th February:

On 2/16/2012 1:05 PM, A B wrote:

Sorry, I'm stumped, again. I really have been trying to sort it out
myself, but no luck. I've done it by adapting Knute Johnson's code
(which works fine in itself). Mine now defines a line and calls
repaint() as nice as you like, but there's no answer.

I've chopped the code back to just the bits directly involved with the
drawing and sprinkled debugging statements everywhere, which established
that the bit that calls paintComponent() (via repaint() - that's right
isn't it?) is firing but paintComponent() itself isn't. Here's what's
left, if you're interested. Sorry if anyone finds it hard to read, I
don't know how you like it formatted.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import java.util.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Vectorine extends JFrame implements MouseListener
private static final long serialVersionUID = 159L;
// List to contain all the lines generated
private final java.util.List<ColoredLine> lineList = new

public static void main() {Vectorine v = new Vectorine();}

public Vectorine()
setSize(200, 200);

// Set up window's initial contents
Container contentArea = getContentPane();
FlowLayout layout = new FlowLayout();
JPanel panelA = new JPanel();

System.out.println("If you click anywhere in the box, 3 random lines
should appear in it.");

public void paintComponent(Graphics g2d)
Graphics2D g = (Graphics2D)g2d;
for (ColoredLine hand : lineList)
System.out.println("Drawing line...");
BasicStroke pen = new BasicStroke(hand.getThickness());

public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent event)
System.out.println("Mouse clicked");
double xcoord = 0, ycoord = 0;
for (int count=0; count<3; count++)
xcoord = 100 * Math.random();
ycoord = 100 * Math.random();
System.out.println("xcoord="+xcoord+", ycoord="+ycoord);
ColoredLine hand = new ColoredLine(0F, 0F, (float)xcoord, (float)ycoord,, 2);
System.out.println("Calling repaint()...");

/** Blank methods to keep MouseListener happy. */
public void mousePressed(MouseEvent event) {}
public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent event) {}
public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent event) {}
public void mouseExited(MouseEvent event) {}

/** The actual lines drawn are instances of the ColoredLine class. */
class ColoredLine extends Line2D.Double
{ private static final long serialVersionUID = 149L;
private final Color color;
private final int thickness;
public ColoredLine(double x,double y,double w,double h,Color color,int
this.color = color;
this.thickness = thickness;

public Color getColor() {return color;}
public int getThickness() {return thickness;}

You need to follow the example I gave you a little closer. I would
extend JPanel rather than JFrame. You can draw on the JPanel. I would
put the MouseListener into the JPanel rather than implementing it on
the JPanel. That you can do with a MouseAdapter and you don't have to
create all of the methods. You need to change the order in which you
set up your GUI. You do not want to make it visible until you have
created all of the part. You also need to wrap all Swing GUI creation
code in EventQueue.invokeLater() so that it will be created on the
Event Dispatch Thread. The example I gave you shows that.

Note also that you rarely need the ContentPane of a JFrame anymore.
JFrame.add() has been modified to add the Component to the JFrame's

Thanks very much. I'll try that. Actually I thought I had done it in the
JPanel, only I can't have, because I cut out the JPanel when I was
simplifying, and here the MouseListener still is. Daft. I didn't realise
the EventQueue stuff was necessary to the drawing routine, I think I
thought it was for something else.

All GUI creation and almost all method calls to the Swing components
must be done on the Event Dispatch thread. The EventQueue.invokeLater()
is used to cause that code to be run on the EDT. After you do a few of
these you'll get the hang of that. It's really not difficult but the
GUI may not work correctly if it isn't created on the EDT.


Knute Johnson

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