Re: what is "Key class" in Entity Bean of EJB ?

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Thu, 10 Aug 2006 21:42:13 -0400
gk wrote:

what is "Key class" in Entity Bean of EJB ?

you might say, for each primary key/field of a table, there should be
a class , and its a "Key class"

am i right ?


Q1 :

If so, there are so many fields in a table apart from the primary

why we dont make the classes for those ? we only make a class
for Primary filed ? why ?
is it because when we pull by keywe will get value ?
or any other reason also ?

The the multi field primary key needs to be treated as one unit.

The other fields do not.

how this primary Key class is used in the Entiyty bean ?

Among other places in findByPrimaryKey method.

can we make 2 Key class ? can we use these 2 in the Entity Bean ?

No only one.

Q4: i have a column say ALPHA and has the values say A,B,C etc in 3
rows respectively.

how do i make a Key class for such column type carrying these values ?

You can either use java.lang.String as your key class or
you can make 1 class which contains 1 field.


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