Re: EJB Client Stub jar - Concept Evaluation

Lew <>
Sat, 01 Sep 2007 07:51:11 -0400
Manju wrote:

Hi Lew,
But in oops also when we say implementation is hidden that means the
actual method body is hidden and via declaration of it in the
interface we access it.

Again, that applies only to client code. The human is still perfectly able to
read the implementation.

Please do not top-post. It makes following the conversation more confusing
and annoys those who would help you.

In EJB for that we are using Home interface to gain access to actual
bean class and to access business methods via Component interface of
the actual bean methods as per specification. That means it is clear
indication that implementation of business mehtods must be

Not really. The Home interface is to help implement cross-JVM calls, and is
regarded by many as too kludgy. Anyhow, this is still "hidden" in the sense
of inaccessible to client code and not in the sense of obscured to human eyes.

then why the actual bean class has been provided in client stub jar?

I don't know.


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