Re: The Future of Java Development.....

=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Arne_Vajh=F8j?= <>
Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:25:21 -0400
<47df0bb9$0$90275$> wrote:

I've been programming using Java professionally since 1998 after doing
VB programming for a few years. JDBC opened the gates, servlets added
output, jsp added even more output, taglibs inverted everything, and
then there was Struts (and 5 other competitors), Spring, Hibernate
(and 5 other competitors), 14 different App Servers, the endless horde
of IBM outpourings, the current XML purgatory that is stuck in the
middle of everything, Oracle jumping in etc etc etc etc. IntelliJ,
NetBeans and Eclipse seem to be the primary dev. tools - JDeveloper is
excellent as well and I'm sure there are others.

I've recently been exploring Seam, EJB3/Hibernate and JSF (NO JSPs
allowed). I can actually create 'pages' graphically with NetBeans 6,
adjust properties to HTML items and attach events to these items. Seam
cuts out most of the idiotic middle-level mapping between tables and
POJOS, uses annotations to get rid of tons of XML. Seam requires a
fair number of XML files but no more than six or seven (I can live
with that). I'm by no means an expert in any of this, but I've spent
about 40 hours experimenting with this combination of technologies and
I'm just about sold.

That is the the direction most are going.

Note though that I am not so convinced that we in 5 years
still will consider annotations scattered all over the code
better than central XML files.

 > What was once a simple, fun and creative process that was
 > intellectually challenging and paid pretty well until our Corporate
 > Masters decided we could be replaced by anyone from anyplace else who
 > would work for less has become an absolute hellish quagmire of
 > configuration conflicts, code version inconsistencies, 20 minute
 > builds for 'Hello World' jsp files, so many jar files you need an
 > external hard drive etc. etc. etc.

That has not really anything to do with technology.


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