Re: Need to learn J2EE and friends

Lew <>
Tue, 6 Sep 2011 15:03:13 -0700 (PDT)
nroberts wrote:

Lew wrote:

When you say "J2EE" and "EJB", do you have any information on what versi=

ons of those you're working with? Also, what specific implementation are=
 you using (WebLogic, JBoss, Glassfish, ...)? Or are you tasked with pic=
king an implementation?

Looks like the current version is JBoss 4.0 - looks to me like this is

Current version of the project, you mean? JBoss itself has more current ve=
rsions, up to v. 7.

J2EE 1.4? I may have the ability to change this in the future but
this is what the current view is.

I suggest you change this in the present. It will save your bosses time an=
d money, as has already been mentioned upthread. Bear in mind that Java EE=
 5 is already over five years old, and 1.4 came out in 2003. The differenc=
es are significant. You will really, really want to push back on this.

Nowadays you have session beans - stateful and stateless - and managemen=

t beans. They are much easier to use in Java EE than they were in J2EE. =
 The old way involved a lot of fooferol around "home interface" and "remo=
te interface" that were hard to use. Nowadays we use annotations (syntac=
tic elements identified by a leading "@" character such as "@Session") and =
things just sort of automagically happen in the application server.

I've seen the '@' element in a tutorial I'm working through:


This is the standard notation for annotations, part of Java for quite a whi=
le now.

In the code I see a lot of classes called 'XxxHome' that inherit from
javax.ejb.EJBHome. No use of '@'. So I gather I need to learn the
hard way too...

You need to upgrade the project. It will cost your bosses too much to stay=
 with the old way.

Download and install Glassfish - it's lightweight enough to run on any d=

ecent developer workstation (dual-core or better, 2 GB RAM or better, coupl=
e of hundred megs of disk or better).

Got it installed both from the EE Jdk and with Eclipse as some sort of
package eclipse thing (eclipse wasn't able to restart the glassfish
domain when it wasn't the integrated version).

But since you mention JBoss, you'd probably best stick with that.

Eclipse will plug into any major app server, bundled or not. It's in the d=
ocumentation somewhere.


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