Re: Volunteer for Java Development
On Tuesday, December 27, 2011 3:13:03 PM UTC-8, Arne Vajh=F8j wrote:
On 12/24/2011 1:06 PM, Lew wrote:
On Friday, December 23, 2011 3:47:40 PM UTC-8, Qu0ll wrote:
"Lew" wrote in message
Spring sucks.
Why not use good stuff instead?
Care to elaborate on that postulation?
Conclusion, not postulation.
Th difference between postulation and conclusion without the arguments
seem rather small to me.
And yet you then cite the arguments I provided, so how is that "without the=
arguemnts", hm?
My statement came *with* the arguemnts, some of which you even agreed with,=
so what the frack are you on?
.... on about?
I have used Spring on mnay projects. It was always a tangled mess of o=
references to extrinsic resources to obfuscate logic. This may not be =
fault, but it's a consistent result.
I have seen that too.
Java EE annotations do everything Spring hopes to, only better, more si=
with a more flowing mental model, in accordance with the standard.
Slam-dunk, BOOYAH!
Why add yet another framework that provides no additional benefit? Bur=
den of proof - you.
That argument is a little thin.
The lack of argument from the other side was what was thin. The burden of =
proof is on the proponents of Spring, and you haven't lightened that burden=
an iota. "That argument is a little thin" without the arguments to show w=
hy seems rather small to me.
There are things in Spring that Java EE annotations does not.
What, exactly, and is it worth it? C'mon man, don't be so vague.
And besides that there are also something weird called Java SE apps
that does not benefit much from stuff provided by Java EE containers.
Not so much, really. The EJB annotations obviously don't help SE much, and=
dependency injection and JPA are available for SE, which I find sufficient=
if it keeps out of the Spring morass.
WEhile it's not literally true that Spring brings nothing new to the table,=
it is true enough not to justify the cost of using it to me.
Perhaps instead of vaguely waving at what you think is insufficient about n=
on-Spring alternatives, could you be specific about what is missing for Jav=
a SE that Spring provides and gives enough benefit to justify Spring over t=
he alternatives? It's pretty easy to gainsay whatever anyone else says, so=
mewhat more challenging to contribute affirmatively.