Re: encrypted source file support in jdk?

Nigel Wade <>
Fri, 28 Sep 2007 12:58:05 +0100
Tom Forsmo wrote:

Nigel Wade wrote:

If you are that paranoid, why are you

a) running Windows

I am not running windows.

If you are not running Windows, exactly which viruses, trojans etc. are you
concerned about?

b) connected to the Internet?

Thats quite a naive statement.

The only way you can get the sort of security you require is to remove the
network connection from the computer containing the code you wish to protect.
How do you conclude that that is naive?

do you actually think industrial
espionage does not exists?

How did you draw that conclusion?

The biggest threat to internet security these
days are all the viruses, trojans etc which are now developed by
international organised crime to extort money or sell information.

And pretty much all aimed at Windows users running with insecure configurations
connected to the Internet, hence my first and second points. If you have direct
knowledge of a trojan or virus which infects a non-Windows system and can
compromise the security of a computer not connected to the Internet I'd be
interested to hear about it.

The only way to reduce the risk of these malwares are by encrypting the
actual files.

Or not connecting to the Internet, so the viruses, trojans and hackers can't get
at the computer. Or not running Windows so the viruses and trojans won't have
an environment in which to operate. In conjunction with the right level of
physical security, or course.

Nigel Wade, System Administrator, Space Plasma Physics Group,
            University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH, UK
E-mail :
Phone : +44 (0)116 2523548, Fax : +44 (0)116 2523555

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