Re: client

Lew <>
Mon, 29 Oct 2007 13:09:31 -0400
heyheyhey wrote:

trying to get a working client to encode name and number, is this right?

There are many problems, many of which will be fixed by adhering to the advice of

This will turn out not to be what you want.

Ditto - consider just using the socket stream.

public static void main(String args[]){

//creates a string for customers name called Batman
String s= "Batman"

This statement will not compile.

//Converts customer name into byte sequence
byte[] B = S.getBytes("US-ASCII");

Will not compile.

//Creates a string for CC number
String CC= 1212121212121212

Will not compile.

//Convert credit card number into byte sequence
byte[] B =CC;getbytes("US-ASCII");

Will not compile.

//create datagram socket
aSocket = new DatagramSocket();

Is there an class variable called aSocket? If so, that's a bad idea. If not,
this statement will not compile.

//Host name
InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName("localhost")

Will not compile.

//set port number
public function set ServerPort (3590 : int)

There is no keyword 'function' in Java. Method names should begin with a
lower-case letter. "3590 : int" isn't even remotely Java syntax.

//create datagram packet
DatagramPacket request =
new DatagramPacket(m, args[0].length(), aHost, serverPort);

args[0] and the .length() call on it could throw a RuntimeException.

// Send it

Even assuming you make this into a legitimate call, you still should catch the
potential Exceptions and deal with them appropriately.


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