Re: Java sound and compression

Knute Johnson <>
Wed, 12 Aug 2009 13:09:59 -0700
csaffi wrote:

On 12 Ago, 17:20, Knute Johnson <>

carmelo wrote:

Hi everybody,
I developed a simple java app for sending voice from a trasmitter to a
receiver on LAN. I used only java.sound, without JMF. Data are sent in
raw format without any compression. I'd like to compress/decompress
this audio stream. Anybody can help me about that?
Thank you very much for your help!

You need to take a look at Tritonus and their GSM audio format.

Barring that you could use the ULAW or ALAW audio formats to transmit
your data and then convert it back. This is only going to help you if
you've been using a 16 bit format.

One thing I haven't tried and so I don't know how much actual
compression you would get is to use one of the compressed streams, GZIP
streams or Zip streams.

Thank you for your reply Knute.
Have you got any example on how to encode/decode an audio stream with

I don't have any code examples but it is pretty simple to use. The
website has some examples of use and if you decide to use it, post here
and we can help you get going.

What do you think about JSpeex? Do you think that it could be better
than GSM for VOIP?

I haven't played with JSpeex so I can't give you an answer on that one.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2009/

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