Re: simple java help

Trung Chinh Nguyen <>
Thu, 27 Apr 2006 14:22:44 GMT
You forgot to call the constructor list[len] = new ResourceList(); wrote:

I have attached code and was wondering if someone can help me though
it. I am just trying to make a simple database type program so i can
learn java. I know C++ well so i think i still need to get out of the
c++ mindset.
I get this error in eclipse "Exception in thread "main"
    at allLists.AddName(
    at server.main("
I havent a clue what it means But i get the error when doing the
list[len].name = name;
in my addName method.
Why can't just do this and it work?

public static void main(String[] args)

        ServerSocket s = null;
        allLists list = new allLists();
            s = new ServerSocket(SERVERPORT);
        catch(IOException e)

        //while (true)
            Socket incoming = null;
             incoming = s.accept();
            catch(IOException e)
          // continue;

            new inSocket(incoming, list).start();




public class allLists
    ResourceList[] list = new ResourceList[1000];
    int len=0;

    void AddName(String name, String IP, String reliability)
        list[len].name = name;

    void PrintName()

public class ResourceList
    public String name;
    public String IP;
    public String Reliability;


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