Re: Need time waster code or something.

"duh" <>
4 May 2006 13:00:41 -0700
Ok, this is me from another account.

I had something like that, Audrey, and it works, but switched it to a
timer to try to solve my current problem.

NOW, I need to flash some buttons in succession, and not overlap each

Here's my code for flashing the button:

    public void flashButton()
        buttonFlash bf = new buttonFlash();

    public class buttonFlash
        Toolkit toolkit;
        Timer timer;

        public buttonFlash()
            toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
            timer = new Timer();
            timer.schedule(new RemindTask(), 250, 250);

        class RemindTask extends TimerTask
            public void run()

                System.exit(0); //Stops the AWT thread
                                  //(and everything else).


Here's the code for calling button flashes in succession:

public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
        Object source = e.getSource();
        if (source == exitButton)
        else if (source == runButton)
            // reset values and counter


            catch (InterruptedException ie) {}



        else if (source == validateButton)
            //check answers against generated values


The code between the blueButton and the redButton does not do the job.
In fact, most of the time, I can't see the blueButton flash, but it
does sometimes, and partially other times, so I know its going off.

So, how do I put a lag between these flashButton calls?

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