Re: RMI question

" opalinski from opalpaweb" <>
23 Sep 2006 08:49:36 -0700
A further thought. Using the scheme where a lookup precedes every
remote call can the server down between the lookup and the remote call?

I agree that at first it feels like enveloping every remote call in
try/catch is to make the source be littered with redundant code.

How many remote calls are there? Are the same remote calls repeated in
the source? Perhaps creating a facade on the client side is the thing
to do? The try/catch blocks would be inside the facade, perhaps even
with a count of retries.

Maybe even further: some try/catch generalization can happen inside of
the class providing the facade? I believe it can:

static private Object remoteCall(String remoteObjectToLookup, Method m,

  Object args[], int nMaxTries) {

  if (nMaxTries <= 0)
     throw new IllegalStateException("failed making remote call " + m +

            " to " + remoteObjectToLookup);

  Object result = null;
  boolean succeed = false;
  try {
    Object o = Naming.lookup(remoteObjectToLookup);
    result = m.invoke(o, args);
    succeeded = true;
  } catch ( .... ) {

  if (succeed)
    return result;


Such a generalized method would allow each public facade method to
avoid having it's own try/catch blocks.


Ian deSouza wrote:

Thanks ESP, Opalinski,

I think I'll probably be using the lookup (maybe event the
LocateRegistry, in case it restarts) everytime. If the frequency of
calls is not too high, I think this will work.

I think when the server goes down, then up (stale remote), I was
getting a connection exception however.

From the programming side, it seems doing a lookup before each call

would be cleaner, than try catch with retrying the remote call for each
one of the calls..

Thanks for your suggestions, Ian

As in all network programming and most other kinds, the only valid way
is to try to use it.

If you get NoSuchObjectException, the stub is stale so you should redo
the lookup. If you get ConnectException or ConnectIOException the server
is down.

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