line break left over after scanner.nextInt? i started writing my own mini IO library because i got
frusterated with java's crappy input. anyways.. after calling my
getInt() function and then my getString() seems to detect
that no string was inputted (it throws my EmpyStringException).. i'm
assuming this is from a left over \n after reading an integer..but I
don't know how to fix the problem. any suggestions?
here's the class
import java.util.*;
public class IO
Scanner scanner;
scanner = new Scanner(;
public int getInt(String prompt)
int i; // integer to be returned
while( true ) // ends when integer is returned
return scanner.nextInt();
catch( InputMismatchException ioe )
System.out.println("Please enter an integer.");
scanner.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
public boolean getBool(String prompt)
String s;
if( scanner.hasNextLine() ) // sometimes there is a new line
character left over from getting an integer...
scanner.nextLine(); // let's get rid of it!!
while( true ) // ends when integer is returned
s = getString(prompt);
s = s.toLowerCase();
if( s.equals("yes") || s.equals("y") || s.equals("true") ||
s.equals("t") || s.equals("1") )
return true;
if( s.equals("no") || s.equals("n") || s.equals("false") ||
s.equals("f") || s.equals("0") )
return false;
System.out.println("Please enter \"yes\" or \"no\".");
public int getIntRange(String prompt, int min, int max)
int i; // integer to be returned
if( min > max ) // switch min and max
int temp = min;
min = max;
max = temp;
while( true ) // ends when integer is returned
i = scanner.nextInt();
if( i<min || i >max ) throw new OutOfRangeException();
return i;
catch( InputMismatchException ioe )
System.out.println("Please enter an integer.");
scanner.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
catch( OutOfRangeException oore )
System.out.println("Integer must be between "+min+" and "+max+"
public int getPosInt(String prompt)
int i; // integer to be returned
while( true ) // ends when integer is returned
i = scanner.nextInt();
if( i<=0 ) throw new LessThanOrEqualToZeroException();
return i;
catch( InputMismatchException ioe )
System.out.println("Please enter an integer.");
scanner.nextLine(); // discard input so user can try again
catch( LessThanOrEqualToZeroException ltoetze )
System.out.println("Please enter a positive enteger.");
public String getString(String prompt)
String s; // string to be returned
while( true )
try {
//if( scanner.hasNextLine() ) // sometimes there is a new line
character left over from getting an integer...
//scanner.nextLine(); // let's get rid of it!!
s = scanner.nextLine();
s = s.trim();
if( s.equals("") ) throw new EmptyStringException();
return s;
catch( EmptyStringException ese )
System.out.println("You must type something!");