Re: Generic methods: how to express explicit type parameters?

Piotr Kobzda <>
Sun, 01 Oct 2006 22:31:06 +0200
z-man wrote:

// Java version -----------------------------------
public String getName()
 // Doesn't work! What's the equivalent syntax?
 return getEntry<String,MyStringType>("name");

  return this.<String,MyStringType>getEntry("name");


public void setName(
 String value
 // Doesn't work! What's the equivalent syntax?

  return this.<String,MyStringType>setEntry("name",value);


protected T <T,TBase extends MyBaseType<T>> getEntry(
 String key
 try{return (T)((TBase)entries.get(key))).getValue();}
 catch{return default(T);}

protected void <T,TBase extends MyBaseType<T>> setEntry(
 String key,
 T value
   entries.set(key,new TBase());


But all this won't work together in Java, because of erasure...

I think you need something like this:

public class YourCSharpPort {

     public String getName() {
         return getEntry("name", MyStringType.class);

     public void setName(String value) {
         setEntry("name", MyStringType.class, value);

     Map<String, Object> entries;

     protected <T, TBase extends MyBaseType<T>>
             T getEntry(
                     String key, Class<TBase> typeOfTBase) {
         TBase holder = typeOfTBase.cast(entries.get(key));
         return holder != null ? holder.getValue() : null;

     protected <T, TBase extends MyBaseType<T>>
             void setEntry(
                     String key, Class<TBase> typeOfTBase,
                     T value) {
         TBase holder = typeOfTBase.cast(entries.get(key));
         if (holder == null && !entries.containsKey(key))
             entries.put(key, holder = newInstanceOf(typeOfTBase));

     protected <T> T newInstanceOf(Class<T> typeOfT) {
         try {
             return typeOfT.newInstance();
         } catch (InstantiationException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException(e);
         } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
             throw new RuntimeException(e);



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