Re: who can give a simple example? Urgently need!!

"Charles Hottel" <>
Fri, 20 Oct 2006 00:39:24 GMT
"Flamingo" <> wrote in message

Hi folks,

I want a webpage, there would be a input textfield, and a "sumbit"
there, if you press the submit button, the contents you input to the
textfield would be send to your email. who can give me a simple sample
about that. thanks a lot. I really need i t urgently.

Here is an example from Peter van der Linden's Just Java 6th edition page
659. I hope it will get you started and you can figure out the rest.

    public class email {

      public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
  Socket sock = null;
  BufferedReader bis = null;
  PrintStream ps = null;

                try {
  sock = new Socket("localhost", 25);
   bis = new BufferedReader(
                        new InputStreamReader(sock.getInputStream()));
  ps = new PrintStream(sock.getOutputStream());

  ps.println("mail from: trelford");
  //System.out.println( dis.readLine() );
  // Exercise for student:
  // check all responses from the SMTP server
  // They should all start with "2nn" or "3nn"
  // Any different reply code means a failure to send mail.
                } catch (IOException ioe) {
                   System.out.println("Sorry, your system is not running a
mailserver on port 25");

  String Addressee= "linden";
  ps.println("rcpt to: " + Addressee);
  //System.out.println( dis.readLine() );

  //System.out.println( dis.readLine() );

  ps.println("This is the message\n that Java sent");


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