Re: Interpreting a string as a command

10 Nov 2006 12:02:40 -0800
I've got it all working, but thanks for the advice. I also just got
private access working a moment ago:

   Class tst = this.getClass();
   try {
      String fillin = "";
      Method[] theMethods = tst.getDeclaredMethods();
      for (int m=0; m<theMethods.length; m++) {
           if (theMethods[m].getName().equals(theCommand)) {
              fillin = ((String)theMethods[m].invoke(this));
      toReply = toReply.replace(theCommand + "()", fillin);
   } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }

Just had to invoke the Method immediately after setAccessible(true) or
it wouldn't work.

Ingo R. Homann wrote:

Hi, wrote:

java.lang.reflect.* seems promising, but I'm having a little trouble
figuring out exactly what to go with. As far as I can tell, I need a
Method, but it's throwing a NoSuchMethodException, despite the fact
that the Method does exist.
java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: com.sdd.BuildGUI.getMood()
with line 335 of com.sdd.BuildGUI saying:
private String getMood() {

Any idea what I'm missing?

In contrast to what Ian writes, I think, getMethod() should also find a
private method. Howeven, invoking this method should throw an Exception.
But you could solve that by calling setAccessible(true) first.

However, Ian is right - since you do not provide your Code, I cannot say
much to that.


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