Re: detecting which jvm version is being ran?
Mickey Segal wrote:
"Andrew Thompson" <> wrote in message
At we use the following code to get the maximal
information about the Java version:
if ((System.getProperty("java.vendor").startsWith("Microsoft")))
javaVersion = "java.version = " +
else javaVersion = "java.vm.version = " +
The applet is unsigned and it works without security messages in any
environment that I've checked.
I'm using a technique similar to this, now, and am being told by
someone that it crashes their browser.
Here's my code:
import java.applet.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class ShowInfo extends Applet
String output = "", javaVendor, javaVersion;
public void start() {
try {
javaVendor = System.getProperty("java.vendor");
javaVersion = javaVendor.startsWith("Microsoft") ?
System.getProperty("java.version") :
} catch (Exception e) {
public void paint(Graphics g) {
I tried it, myself, on IE6 with MSJVM 1.1 and FF2 with Sun JVM 1.5 and
both worked. I don't know what browser their using nor do I know the
JVM vendor / version (that's what this script was supposed to find
Any ideas? Maybe I should be using something more like what Arne
Vajh=F8j posted?