Re: looking for opinons regarding best practices (jdbc, resultsets, and servlet design)

"dnass" <>
7 Feb 2007 06:47:39 -0800
On Feb 7, 2:27 pm, "javerra" <>

Hello all,

Im looking for an opinion regarding best practices. Recently a friend
and I were talking about how we write our code for our web
applications. I tend to keep my jdbc code with my logic in any
servlet I am writing. My friend says that this is bad practice and
that data quries should be broken out into data access objects with
methods that pass back a result set. Is he right? Is this really bad
practice or is it really just a different type of design pattern?
Love to hear everyones thoughts...

Im always doing something like this....

            try {
                Connection Conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://");

                // Do something with the Connection
                Statement Stmt = Conn.createStatement();
                ResultSet RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from SOMETABLE");

                while ( {
                // Clean up

            catch (SQLException E) {


Hello Javera,

You should have a look at MVC model.

And for the code you've written I would have wrote it this way :
Connection Conn = null;
Statement Stmt = null;
ResultSet RS = null;
        try {
                Conn =

                // Do something with the Connection
                Stmt = Conn.createStatement();
                RS = Stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from SOMETABLE");

                while ( {

            catch (SQLException E) {
                 // handle the exception
                // Clean up
               catch(Exception ex){}
               RS = null;
               catch(Exception ex){}
               RS = null;
               catch(Exception ex){}
              Conn= null;

because if you have an exception while executing the query
with your source code you'll never close your connection.

I hope this helps

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