Re: Itchy problem

"" <>
9 May 2007 12:33:08 -0700
On May 9, 4:21 pm, Ravi <> wrote:


class DataIO {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
                FileOutputStream f;
                try {
                        f = new FileOutputStream("test");
                } catch (FileNotFoundException fe) {
                DataOutputStream d = new DataOutputStream(f);
                try {
                } catch (IOException ioe) {


Gives the error: variable f might not have been initialized
                DataOutputStream d = new DataOutputStream(f);

How to resolve this problem.

I think the key to this is the "try...catch". Since you are setting f
inside the "try" if it fails (hence try) on something beside the fnfe
then by the time that DataOutputStream d = new DataOutputStream(f);
is executed, the f variable may not be instantiated. I'm not sure if
this will work, but if you initialize f to null outside the try..catch
and then test for it being != null outside, before you create the d
object, you might be able to get around the error. I don't claim this
will work, nor do I claim it to be the best or prettiest solution.
You might try reading the Sun Java Tutorial, or search this ng for a
link to Roedy's site.

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-- George McGovern,
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