Re: Problem with Java and Xeon Processors
Since you mentioned that your 2nd chip has less cache, I'ld suspect that=
first (though I don't know of any modern Xeons with a cache size that =
Try this:
int limit=timeCall/secsDefSimul;
for (int i=0; i<=limit; i++){
int offset1 = diaOffset+offset-i;
if (offset1>=0) arraySimul[offset1]++;
for (int i=limit-1; i>=0; i--){
if (maxSimultaneas<arraySimul[i]) maxSimul = arraySimul[i];
The idea is that if you must transverse an array twice, and one pass is =
independant of the direction of transversal, then it is usually much =
faster to structure your traversals in the direction of the most recentl=
y =
seen elements, as you will increase the probability of a cache hit. Eg: =
start -> limit -> start or limit -> start -> limit.
When I try to run it in a newer production server with two-processor
dual core Intel Xeon 3.2Ghz with 1Mbyte Cache it takes nearly 10-15
times such time to run!!!
It is also possible (but not likely) that your Xeon is burning more cloc=
k =
cycles for a mul or div, but computing the loop limit in advance should =
help regardless.
Other thoughts:
Are any variables in your loop floating point? long? Or all int? Are the=
y =
all primitive (and not java.lang.Integer / java.lang.Long being autoboxe=
d =
by the compiler)?
32 or 64 bit: the VM? the OS? values of your variables?
Check that you are running the Hotspot Server VM on both machines? (java=
Any other threads running (are you deploying this logic into a server wi=
th =
other apps loaded and running)?
for benchmarking, try wrapping your code with
final Thread me=Thread.currentThread();
final int old_priority=me.getPriority();
final long start_timestamp=System.nanoTime();
try {
} finally {
long elapsed_time_ns=System.nanoTime()-start_timestamp;
And be sure to run it a few times be sure you're not measuring the time =
for the HotSpot compiler, or just class load time.