Re: Accessing context parameters from web.xml in java class

Lew <>
Sat, 29 Sep 2007 10:38:24 -0400
Sameer wrote:

import java.sql.*;
import javax.servlet.*;

public class DBUtils {
    public static Connection getDBConnection(ServletContext context)
            throws Exception {
        String driver = context.getInitParameter("db_driver");
        String server = context.getInitParameter("db_server");
        String port = context.getInitParameter("db_port");
        String sid = context.getInitParameter("db_sid");
        String conn_url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + server + ":" + port + ":"
                + sid;
        String db_username = context.getInitParameter("db_username");
        String db_password = context.getInitParameter("db_password");
        Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection(conn_url, db_username,
        return con;


The happy-path part of this is more or less correct there, but for a few
points of note.

You don't need the throwaway instance of the DB driver, so Class.forName()
alone is enough, and you only ever need to load the driver once, not with
every connection. Consider using the generic version of Class.

You absolutely must not omit exception handling in production code. Never
declare a method simply "throws Exception"; use a custom exception. Always
handle and log exceptions. Log them at the point of occurrence. It even sets
a bad example to post Usenet code that violates these precepts unless you
include a disclaimer.

Use spaces, not TABs, to indent Usenet posts.


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