Calling method from another class and SQL select max id issue

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Tue, 02 Oct 2007 14:39:39 -0700
I have a method that has a prepared statement that executes before a
SQL select max id query. The Prepared statement works great where I
call it in another method in my Java Helper Class file.

Now I want to move the method with the prepared statement into another
class and call in in my Java Helper Class.

For some reason it didnt work. Here is what it looked like with both
methods in one class and everything working great with my Access 2003
database where the prepared statement runs and then I get the max id
from the table:

public class HelperDB {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
public int insertData(MyBean poc)
   int status = 0;
   try {
       ps = connection.prepareStatement("Insert into tableone
(firstname,lastname) values (?,?)");
   catch(Exception e)
   return status;

public thehit(MyBean user)
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
rs = statement.executeQuery("select max(tableoneId) from tableone");;
int myId = rs.getInt(1);
String query = "insert into tabletwo (city, tableoneid) values ('" +
user.getCity()) + "','" + myId + "')";

Now if I put the [b]insertData[/b] method in another class and call it
in the HelperDB class it will correctly insert data into tableone but
it doesnt retrieve the correct max tableoneid value.

public class AnotherHelper {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
public int insertData(MyBean poc)
   int status = 0;
   try {
       ps = connection.prepareStatement("Insert into tableone
(firstname,lastname) values (?,?)");
   catch(Exception e)
   return status;

//HelperDB class:
public class HelperDB {
PreparedStatement ps = null;
public thehit(MyBean user)
Statement statement = null;
ResultSet rs = null;
new AnotherHelper().insertData(user);
rs = statement.executeQuery("select max(tableoneId) from tableone");;
int myId = rs.getInt(1);
String query = "insert into tabletwo (city, tableoneid) values ('" +
user.getCity()) + "','" + myId + "')";

It seems like the the object (new AnotherHelper().insertData(user))
runs after the select max sql statement (select max(tableoneId) from
tableone) because I always get the second to last max value in
tableone. Please advise.

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