Re: How to use OSGi bundle services dynamically

Kai Edinger <>
Wed, 14 Nov 2007 13:23:07 +0100

the way you have chossen, is the "bad way". It shoud works, the best
practices is using the org.osgi.util.tracker.ServiceTracker and

For example something like that:

public class Activator {

     private ServiceTracker tracker;

     public void
     start(BundelContext context) {

    final BundleContext myContext = context;

         tracker = new ServiceTracker( context,
                      new ServiceTrackerCustomizer() {

   public Object
            addingService(ServiceReference reference)
                // Do something if add
                return myContext.getService(reference);

            public void
                         modifiedService(ServiceReference reference,
                                                       Object service)
                // Do something if service is modified


            public void
                         removedService(ServiceReference reference,
                                                        Object service)
                // Do something if service is removed

        } );;

     public void
     start(BundelContext context)


Schwede schrieb:

hi all,

i have a little problem here finding out how to use registered
services in OSGi.

what i am doing is the followig:

- register/provide services with
                         context.registerService(... , ... , null);
in each of the "service providing" Activator classes (means: the

- set up a "managing" bundle with a ServiceListener in the Activator
that (un)registers provided services on-the-fly.

now i have implemented my serviceChanged method like below

    public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent event)
            String[] objectClass = (String[])

            if (event.getType() == ServiceEvent.REGISTERED)
                System.out.println("Service " + objectClass[0] + " registered.");
            else if (event.getType() == ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING)
                System.out.println("Service " + objectClass[0] + "
            else if (event.getType() == ServiceEvent.MODIFIED)
                System.out.println("Ex1: Service of type " + objectClass[0] + "
        catch(RuntimeException re)
            System.out.println("RuntimeException :: " + re.getMessage());

here is a rather nice tutorial (even though i do not use felix/
knopflerfish - i am using Eclipse/Equinox) that shows an example on
how to get use of a registered service from another bundle:

now my question is: how do i dynamically "use" my services? right now
it seems to me that on the one hand i can (un)register services on-the-
fly but on the other i always have to make sure that the service i
want to use is currently registered. this sounds like i have to use a
hell of a lot if-clauses or switch-case... at least if i am following
that tutorial from above.

for example I have a bundle providing a xml validation service and a
xml parsing service. another bundle is just for logging purpose and so

how would you implement a project like this? is it even useful to have
a "managing bundle" or should i add a ServiceListener to each of my
providing bundles to share funcionality under each other.

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