Re: enums, using methods as initializers

Mikhail Teterin <>
Tue, 20 Nov 2007 20:47:26 -0500
Mark Space wrote:

The important bit for me is that last line.??SQL???Doesn't?SQL?already
have some methods for dealing with tabular data?

It does -- there are getString(), getInt(), getDouble(), etc.

The problem I'm facing is that my rows return A LOT of columns, which must
all be tediously assigned to fields of a class. This is, roughly, what I do
in the constructor (each row creates an object of type Entry):

public class Entry
 public String foo;
 public double bar;
 public Date woof;

 public Entry(ResultSet rs)
  foo = rs.getString("foo");
  bar = rs.getDouble("bar");
  woof = rs.getTimestamp("woof");

What I'm looking for is a way to go through all fields and extract them from
the row in a loop. Something like:

 public Entry(ResultSet rs) {
  for (WHAT? field : FieldsOfEntry?) {
   field = rs.MethodForField(field.toString());


This would allow me to add/remove fields without changing the code every
time. Sort of make it "data-driven" with the fields of the class themselves
being the "data".

I'll look up "Hibernate", but I was hoping, a solution can be found, since
Java (unlike C) keeps the fields' names and types around at run-time



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