Creating directories with File
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Hi group,
I am playing around a bit making a program of a colleague a bit more
robust, and have a question about input/output files.
I managed to make sure the input file can be given as a relative or
absolute path now, and even without the required extension with the
following snippet:
String inFileName = args[0];
if (!inFileName.endsWith(".export")) {
inFileName += ".export";
File inFile = null;
try {
inFile = new File(inFileName);
inFile = inFile.getCanonicalFile();
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.format("Error getting canonical file name:");
try {
BufferedReader corpus = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(inFile));=
Then, later on, I can make similarly named files as follows:
String fileDir = inFile.getParent();
String fileName = inFile.getName();
fileName = fileName.replace(".export", "");
String sigFileName = fileDir + File.separator + "td"
+ File.separator + fileName + ".sig";
final ObjectOutputStream sigfile = new ObjectOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(sigFileName));
although I get a warning in the first line that inFile might be null.
My question is about the creation of the directory: initially, the td/
directory might not be there. It is created automatically, and used if
it is already there.
Is this a good way to do this, or should I use File.mkdir()?
Any other remarks on how to do this more nicely? For example, a way to
recover instead of doing System.exit.
Cheers, H.
Hendrik Maryns
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