Re: Creating a multi-user TCP server

jamesgoode <>
Sat, 5 Apr 2008 01:14:45 -0700 (PDT)
On Apr 5, 12:34 am, Knute Johnson <>

jamesgoode wrote:


I'm trying to create a multi-user TCP server, without the use of a
thread-per-connection model. My plan is to create an instance of the
ClientConnection class, which is stored in an array, for each
connection. A 'connection listener' thread handles this. The inputs
from the clients are then handled in a loop, which looks like this:

while (true)

                   for (int i = 0; i < MAX_CONNECTIONS; i++)
                           try {
                                   if (connections[i]!=null)
                                           if (connections[i].in.ready())
                           } catch (IOException e) {
                                   // TODO Auto-generated catch block
                                   connections[i] = null;


(connections[i].in is a BufferedReader)

The problem is, that BufferedReader.ready() always seems to return
true, and that BufferedReader.readLine() halts the program until there
is a line to read.

All help is greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,


BufferedReader.readLine() blocks until a line terminator is found in the
stream. That is going to be inconvenient for what you have planned. I
think it would be possible to check BufferedReader.ready() in a loop and
read a single char from the stream until ready() returns false, then
move on to your next stream. I don't see anything in the docs that
suggest that ready() will always return true like
InputStream.available() does. One advantage to this method is that it
should scale well with a ThreadPoolExecutor to a lot of connections.

Depending on what sort of latency you can tolerate you might be able to
just block on a read and set a short timeout. Or the other option is to
use NIO and its non-blocking features.

Are you sure that you are going to have so many simultaneous connections
that the thread per connection will be a problem? For a small number of
connections (less than 50 on a Windows machine) it is very easy to code.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/linux/

Posted via - Premium Uncensored Newsgroup Service

Thanks for your help,

I'll try what you've suggested, and incorporate it into the
ClientConnection class (just to make it easier).

I'll post back soon with results, and anything else that I'll have


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