Re: What is the quickest way to play sound?
On May 25, 3:28 pm, Andrew Thompson <> wrote:
On May 25, 9:54 pm, pek <> wrote:
...God I hate linux
sound system.
LOL! 'Linux sound' was enough to make Jamie
Zawinski dump Linux and convert to Apple and
I didn't get this. Did you say this ironically? I have no idea who is
he (other than the small bio wikipedia provides). But anyway, when I
said "linux sound system" I was talking about the chaotic API and
Services for sound in linux (ALSA, OSS, Pulse etc.). They can't seem
to go along together. Once a program uses one of the APIs, the next
can't use another. So a lot of programs cannot run together. In my
case, I was running RealPlayer, VirtualBox and my Java app. VirtualBox
probably was "stealing the sound", so when I stopped it, it worked!
..But anyways.. Thank you very much for your quick answer.
No worries.
I'm using it exactly as you said (but in a thread).
I can only imagine that any implementation based
on a Thread would be 'cleaner' than what I did
in that example above! Note that (as was pointed
out to me in the last 72ish hours) a Runnable
can do most anything that a Thread can.
Yes, in case anybody needs it, my (rather dangerous) code is this:
public class Utility {
private static Map<String, File> sndCache = new
ConcurrentHashMap<String, File>();
public static synchronized File getSound(String url) {
if ( sndCache.containsKey(url) )
return sndCache.get(url);
URL sndURL = Main.class.getResource("/res/snd/" + url);
if ( sndURL != null ) {
try {
sndCache.put(url, new File(sndURL.toURI()));
return sndCache.get(url);
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
return null;
} else {
System.err.println("Couldn't find file: " + url);
return null;
public static synchronized void playSound(final String url) {
new Thread(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
try {
Clip clip = AudioSystem.getClip();
AudioInputStream inputStream =
} catch (Exception e) {
I just create a thread with a runnable and run it on the fly. Although
I didn't need it, this way the sound cannot be stopped. So change
Andrew T.
Thanks again.. ;)