Re: What's wrong with JList in JScrollPanel

Knute Johnson <>
Sun, 21 Sep 2008 18:55:54 -0700
fancyerii wrote:

  I want to design a Frame which cotains 2 buttons. When I click
button1, the frame display a JPanel(Panel1) and when I click

 button2, it displays another JPanel(Panel2).

  codes in Frame1:
        jButton1.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                if (selected != null)
                selected = new Panel1();

                selected.setBounds(0, 0, 400, 300);


There is a JLabel and a JScorllPane which contains a JList in Panel1
There is a JList and a JScorllPane which contains a JList in Panel1
In Panel1, JLabel can display correctly. But JScrollPanel display
In Panel2, JList can display correctly. But JScrollPanel display

What's wrong with JList in JScrollPane?

Panel1 and Panel2:

public class Panel1 extends JPanel {
    public Panel1() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception exception) {

    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
        DefaultListModel model=new DefaultListModel();
        jScrollPane1.setBounds(new Rectangle(59, 62, 285, 131));
        jLabel1.setBounds(new Rectangle(62, 25, 151, 23));

    JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
    JList jList1 = new JList();
    JLabel jLabel1 = new JLabel();

public class Panel2 extends JPanel {
    public Panel2() {
        try {
        } catch (Exception exception) {

    private void jbInit() throws Exception {
        DefaultListModel model=new DefaultListModel();
        jScrollPane1.setBounds(new Rectangle(86, 61, 236, 161));
        jList2.setBounds(new Rectangle(73, 11, 65, 29));

    JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane();
    JList jList1 = new JList();
    JList jList2 = new JList();

Your code doesn't make any sense. I can only suggest that you use a
layout manager and forget the setBounds() method. Every Java
installation uses different fonts and different screen resolutions. A
layout manager will allow your code to work not only on your machine but
on everybody else's too.

Please give us a little better description and we could probably give
you some simple code to layout your design without much difficulty.


Knute Johnson
email s/nospam/knute2008/

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