Re: Help

Ian Shef <invalid@avoiding.spam>
Wed, 03 Jun 2009 20:45:25 GMT
"Netlopa" <> wrote in


I still have this exception "".
I tried to put anything as a parameter ... but nothing.


public class File {



     * Create a simple Hashtable and serialize it to a file called

     * HTExample.ser.


    public static void doSave(Object gestore) {




        System.out.println("| doSave Method |");




        Hashtable h = new Hashtable();

        h.put("gestore.Partita", gestore);


        /*h.put("string", "Oracle / Java Programming");

        h.put("int", new Integer(36));

        h.put("double", new Double(Math.PI));*/





        try {


            System.out.println("Creating File/Object output stream...");


            FileOutputStream fileOut = new

            ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);


            System.out.println("Writing Hashtable Object...");



            System.out.println("Closing all output streams...\n");




        } catch(FileNotFoundException e) {


        } catch (IOException e) {




When you serialize an object, all the objects referenced by that object
must also be serialized, and so on recursively.
Hashtable is serializable. Hashtable h references:
various String objects, which are serializable.
Integer(36), which is serializable.
Double(Math.Pi), which is serializable.
Object gestore, which is NOT serializable.
This is why you get a NotSerializableException.

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