Re: Timeout question on a socket thread

Lew <>
Thu, 30 Jul 2009 11:15:57 -0700 (PDT)
On Jul 30, 12:19 pm, RVic <> wrote:

But say I declare something as final, and initialize it to null in the
declaration (so I can access it in y finally block), can I
subsequently assign it
final OutputStream output = null;
    try {
      output = socket.getOutputStream(); //is this legitimate?}fi=


     output = null; //=

is this legitimate?

No, it is not legitimate. So don't assign 'null' to 'output'.

That makes the lifetime of 'output' exactly that of the instance of
which it's a member.

This is a good thing.

Here's one of several ways to use such a thing:

 public class Foo
   public void doSomething()
     final OutputStream output;
       output = socket.getOutputStream();
     catch ( IOException exc )
       logger.error( "Cannot open output stream" );
     Runnable task = new Runnable()
        @Override public void run()
           byte [] inputBuf = new byte [BUFSIZE];
             for ( int bRead;
                   (bRead = inputBuf )) >= 0;
               output.write( inputBuf. 0, bRead );
           catch ( IOException ioe )
             logger.error( "Cannot write to output" );
       Thread tt = new Thread( task );
       catch ( IOException ioe )
         logger.error( "Cannot close stream" );

This is obviously incomplete and untested, but it should give the


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