Getting a <JPanel> to Print Out Characters Typed In

KevinSimonson <>
Thu, 24 Sep 2009 13:20:12 -0700 (PDT)
I've written a Java program that brings up a <JFrame> and its <JPanel>
and lets me click at different parts of the <JPanel> and draws x's
there. That much works. But I also want to type letters from the
keypad and have them appear on the <JPanel> too. I've written the
code for that (I'm including it below); I've got a class <Listener>
that implements all three of interfaces <MouseListener>,
<MouseMotionListener>, and <KeyListener>, and in my constructor I have
a call to <addKeyListener()>.

But it's not working. I click on different parts of the <JPanel> and
the x's get drawn, but when I start typing, nothing happens. I even
put <System.out.println()>s in my <keyPressed()>, <keyReleased()>, and
<keyTyped()> methods to verify that those three methods don't get
called. They don't.

Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong that's keeping my code from
printing out the characters I type when the program's running?

Kevin Simonson

"You'll never get to heaven, or even to LA,
if you don't believe there's a way."
from _Why Not_


import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Font;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.event.MouseListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseMotionListener;
import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
import java.awt.event.MouseEvent;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent;

public class PointWrite extends JPanel
  private class Written
     Point location;
    char[] string;
       int length;
       int maxWidth;
       int height;
       int xPstn;

    private Written ( Point lctn
                     , int strngLngth)
      location = new Point( lctn);
      string = new char[ strngLngth];
      length = 0;
      maxWidth = 0;
      height = 12;
      xPstn = 0;

    private void draw ( Graphics page)
      if (length > 0)
      { Point pstn
          = new Point( location.x - maxWidth / 2, location.y -
height / 2);
        int leftMost = pstn.x;
        page.drawRect( pstn.x, pstn.y, maxWidth, height);
        pstn.y += 10;
        for (int chrctr = 0; chrctr < length; chrctr++)
        { if (string[ chrctr] == '\n')
          { pstn.y += 12;
            pstn.x = leftMost;
          { page.drawString( "" + string[ chrctr], pstn.x, pstn.y);
            pstn.x += 7;
      { page.setColor(;
          ( location.x - 5, location.y - 5, location.x + 5, location.y
+ 5);
          ( location.x - 5, location.y + 5, location.x + 5, location.y
- 5);

    private void insert ( char insertee)
      if (length < string.length)
      { string[ length++] = insertee;
        if (insertee == '\n')
        { System.out.println( "Found a newline!");
          height += 12;
          xPstn = 0;
        { xPstn += 7;
          if (maxWidth < xPstn)
          { maxWidth = xPstn;
      { System.err.println( "Overran string!");

  private class Listener
          implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener, KeyListener
    public void mouseClicked ( MouseEvent evnt) {}

    public void mousePressed ( MouseEvent evnt)
      writes[ count++] = new Written( evnt.getPoint(), stringLength);

    public void mouseReleased ( MouseEvent evnt) {}
    public void mouseEntered ( MouseEvent evnt) {}
    public void mouseExited ( MouseEvent evnt) {}
    public void mouseDragged ( MouseEvent evnt) {}
    public void mouseMoved ( MouseEvent evnt) {}

    public void keyPressed ( KeyEvent evnt)
System.out.println( "Executed <keyPressed()>!");
      writes[ count - 1].insert( evnt.getKeyChar());

    public void keyReleased ( KeyEvent evnt)
System.out.println( "Executed <keyReleased()>!");
    public void keyTyped ( KeyEvent evnt)
System.out.println( "Executed <keyTyped()>!");

        int width;
        int height;
  Written[] writes;
        int stringLength;
        int count;

  private PointWrite ( int wdth
                     , int hght
                     , int nmbrWrts
                     , int strngLngth)
    Listener lstnr = new Listener();
    width = wdth;
    height = hght;
    writes = new Written[ nmbrWrts];
    stringLength = strngLngth;
    count = 0;
    addMouseListener( lstnr);
    addMouseMotionListener( lstnr);
    addKeyListener( lstnr);
    setPreferredSize( new Dimension( width, height));

  public void paintComponent ( Graphics page)
    Point pstn;
    page.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height);
    for (int strng = 0; strng < count; strng++)
    { writes[ strng].draw( page);

  public static void main ( String[] arguments)
    if (arguments.length == 4)
    { try
      { int wdth = Integer.parseInt( arguments[ 0]);
        int hght = Integer.parseInt( arguments[ 1]);
        int nw = Integer.parseInt( arguments[ 2]);
        int sl = Integer.parseInt( arguments[ 3]);
        PointWrite pntWrte = new PointWrite( wdth, hght, nw, sl);
        JFrame pwFrame
          = new JFrame
              ( "PointWrite " + wdth + " by " + hght + " with " + nw +
" and "
                              + sl + '.');
        pwFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);
        pwFrame.getContentPane().add( pntWrte);
        pwFrame.setVisible( true);
      catch ( NumberFormatException excptn)
      { System.err.println( "Unable to convert string to an
    { System.out.println( "Usage is");
        ( " java PointWrite <wdth> <hght> <#-writes> <string-

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