Re: Join thread with SwingWorker objects

Lew <>
Fri, 27 Nov 2009 11:01:19 -0800 (PST)
 Douwe wrote:

Where should I start :/. First of all the field

Where should I start? The example you provided is rife with
unsynchronized access to shared data.

... Try implementing
something like the following piece of code

private final Object lock = new Object();
private volatile int countCompleted;
pricate volatile int activeProcesses;

You're controlling these variables with different monitors - sometimes
'lock', sometimes the internal one due to being 'volatile'. I'm not
convinced that the relationship between these variables is reliably

public void processCompleted(BatchExtractionItem completedItem) {
        //System.out.println("Completed "+completedItem);

        synchronized(lock) {
                lock.notifyAll(); // wake up =

the main thread



enum State { WAITING, RUN_NEXT };

protected Integer doInBackground() throws Exception {

        List<BatchExtractionItem> queuedItems = new
        activeProcesses = 0;
        countCompleted = 0;
        boolean keepRunning = true;
        BatchExtractionItem itemToRun = null;

        while (keep_running) {
                switch(state) {

The read of 'state' is not synchronized with the write.

                        case WAITING : {

zed(lock) {


    if (activeProcesses<MAX_ACTIVE_PROCESSES) {


            if (queuedItems.isEmpty()) {


                    if (activeProcesses==0) {


                            keep_running = fa=






            } else {


                    state = FIND_TO_RUN;








    try {


            lock.wait(20000l); // wa=
it for 20 seconds max

(or a notify from processCompleted) and then check again

    } catch(Exception ignore) {}

                         } break;

                         case RUN_NEXT : {

actionItem item = queuedItems.removeLast(queuedItems);

You don't synchronize the change to 'queuedItems'.

                                if (!item=

..getStatus().equals(BatchExtractionItem.COMPLETED) && !

or the 'getStatus()' read.

item.getStatus().equals(BatchExtractionItem.PROCESSING)) {



    BatchTask task = new BatchTask(item);





                                } else {

    // spitt out a warning


    System.err.println("warn: next item was already processing or has


    // countCompleted++; // add this if it should be counted as a

completed task
                                state ==


                        } break;
        // no further checking needed ... all items have finised =


        return 0;


public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
        //issued by Timer event
        int progress = countCompleted/items.size();


I'm having difficulty reasoning about the synchronization the way
you've written all this. I suspect there are subtle threading bugs


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