Re: change ISO8859-1 to GB2312

moonhkt <>
Thu, 20 May 2010 19:18:13 -0700 (PDT)
On 5=E6=9C=8820=E6=97=A5, =E4=B8=8A=E5=8D=8811=E6=99=8258=E5=88=86, Lew <no=> wrote:

moonhkt wrote:

Change your code as below. My test file can conv to UTF-8, view in
Reflection UTF-8 Emulation, the font is ok.

What is "Reflection UTF-8"?

Not a bad job there, but I have to wonder why you ruined the indentation =


still are flouting the naming conventions. Code should be readable.

Also, it is exceedingly bad that you eliminated logging. You should=

 keep the

logging. Switch to java.util.logging if you don't like log4j or don=

't care to

add the JAR, but for Pete's sake keep the logging. Yikes.

Here's a pop quiz for you - given that few code examples I've seen use th=


idiom I did of a separate try block for opening the Reader and Writer fro=

m the

one for using them, why do you think I bothered?

Is it better or worse than the common idiom, or simply a matter of style =


more power to you for whichever?

View in IE the font is ok.

temp.txt file
| 10 TEST1 |=E6=B5=8B=E8=AF=951
| =


| 11 TEST2 |=E6=B5=8B=E8=AF=952
| =


| 12 TEST3 |=E6=B5=8B=E8=AF=953
| =


| 13 TEST4 |=E6=B5=8B=E8=AF=954
| =


| 14 TEST5 |=E6=B5=8B=E8=AF=955
| =


public class conv_ig
        public static void main( String[] args )
         new conv_ig().recode();
         public void recode()
      final BufferedReader rin;
         final BufferedWriter owt;
            rin = new BufferedReader( new InputStream=


              /* getClass().getResourceAsStream( "t=

emp.txt" ),

               "ISO-8859-1" ));
               owt = new BufferedWriter( new Outp=


"GB2312" ));
            getClass().getResourceAsStream( "temp.txt" =

),"GB2312" ));

            owt = new BufferedWriter( new OutputStrea=


               System.out, "UTF-8" ));
         catch ( IOException exc )
            /* logger.error( exc ); */
            for ( String str; (str = rin.readLine()) =

!= null; )

               owt.write( str );
         catch ( IOException exc )
            /* logger.error( exc ); */
            catch ( IOException exc )
              /* logger.error( exc ); */


Sorry about this. This is dirty method to test the code. Reflection
is Telnet software using UTF-8 Emulation to check the the string
I will check How to using java.util.logging .

Can you give some example where "ruined the indentation " ? and what
about the the naming conventions ?

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