Re: informat IDE survey

Daniele Futtorovic <>
Mon, 21 Mar 2011 19:24:32 +0100
On 21/03/2011 03:31, markspace allegedly wrote:

On 3/20/2011 6:06 PM, Daniele Futtorovic wrote:

Yes, this second one is the one I've been thinking about in the
meantime. Extremely neat and powerful.

Here's what I came up with. Note that after checking the docs, I noticed
that MemoryHandler will self-push if its pushLevel is met or exceeded.
So if that's all the functionality you need you have it in one class

My company's code is tied to log4j. Since I already have my trusted
logging layer for that...

public static void log( Logger logger, Level level, Throwable t, String
format, Object... args ){
   if( level.isGreaterOrEqual(logger.getEffectiveLevel()) ){
     logger.log( level, String.format(format, args), t );

.... I took another approach. I installed a ThreadLocal circular buffer,
its contents instances of a subclass of log4j's LoggingEvent (to avoid
doing the String#format needlessly). Then, when the log method above is
called: if it doesn't pass the level, it goes into the buffer;
otherwise, if it's Level.ERROR, the contents of the buffer are logged;
fi; then the statement is logged; fi.

I'm going to have a look how it works out in practice, but first results
were pleasing. Considering the standard production mode where little
is logged under normal circumstances, I get the full monty when
an error occurs. Kinda of the best of two worlds: no unnecessary
clutter, and all the details I need when it matters. In development, the
level is on full, of course.

It's still a bit shaky to my liking, but as far as I can see the
pernicious idiom:

if( logger.isMyLevelEnabled() )
   logger.myLevel( message )

prohibits anything more solid.

The code below is completely untested.

package test;

import java.util.logging.Handler;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.LogRecord;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.MemoryHandler;

* @author Brenden
public class TriggerHandler extends java.util.logging.Handler {

public TriggerHandler() {
setLevel( Level.SEVERE );
String slevel = LogManager.getLogManager().getProperty(
try {
Level level = Level.parse(slevel);
setLevel( level );
} catch( IllegalArgumentException ex ) {
// bail, log this?

public void publish(LogRecord record) {
if( record.getLevel().intValue() >= getLevel().intValue() ) {
String logger = LogManager.getLogManager().getProperty(
if( logger == null ) {
logger = ""; // root logger
Handler[] handlers = Logger.getLogger(logger).getHandlers();
for( Handler h : handlers ) {
if( h instanceof MemoryHandler ) {
MemoryHandler mh = (MemoryHandler)h;
// Assume parent handlers will be invoked.

public void flush() {

public void close() throws SecurityException {


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