Re: Aspect questions?

Lew <>
Sat, 25 Feb 2012 14:27:35 -0800
On 02/25/2012 02:12 PM, Novice wrote:

Lew<> wrote in news:jibf3u$ee9$

Novice wrote:

Lew wrote:

Logging is a great use case for aspects. However, there are
alternatives to lessening logging's overhead, too. You have to weigh
costs and benefits.

What are other good ways to do logging?

log4j is my favorite.

Right now, the two main programs in my current project each create
their own logger and then pass it to the classes they call in their

I don't think that's a good pattern. Which logging library are you

I'm using Java Logging. Does that answer your question or are you asking
something else?

I have each class create its own logger (log4j style shown:

   package eegee;
   import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
   import static org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger;
   public class Foo
     final Logger logger = getLogger(getClass());

     public void foo()
       // do the fooey stuff
         // do the trying stuff
       catch (FooException exc)
         String msg = "trying stuff failed. "+
         exc.getLocalizedMessage(); logger.error(msg, exc);
         throw new IllegalStateException(msg, exc);

This boilerplate is what aspects aim to remove from the code and I
espouse retaining.

My code is not terribly different than that.

Actually, what you do is different and some of that difference is terrible.

Why aren't you logging the exceptions?

And what you are doing here is radically different from what I proposed,
hardly at all similar in any respect. I don't understand why you think it's

Here's the actual code minus the Javadoc comment:

    public static Logger configureLogger(String className, String
logFilePath, String logFileName, Locale locale, Formatter formatter,
Level loggingLevel) {

My goodness, don't use TABs! Especially not in Usenet posts!

This use of a separate logger factory that takes over what the logging
framework already does is, well, curious.

     String METHOD_NAME = "configureLogger()"; //$NON-NLS-1$

You don't need this, and if you did it should be 'final' and named according
to the Java coding conventions.

     /* Ensure that the mandatory parameters have all been specified. */
    if (className == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The name of the class must
be provided."); //$NON-NLS-1$

You didn't log this!

And those "$NON-NLS-1$" comments are highly distracting.


    if (logFilePath == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The log file path must be
provided."); //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (logFileName == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The log file name must be
provided."); //$NON-NLS-1$

    if (locale == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("The locale must be
provided."); //$NON-NLS-1$

    /* Create the logger. */
    Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(className);

    /* Create path identified by logFilePath if it does not exist. */
    File path = new File(logFilePath);


I can't go on. It's too painful.

I put that in a utility class in my Common project. Then any program that
wants a logger just executes this one method passing the appropriate

But, splutter, but, ... that's what the existing 'Logger.getLogger()' method

You're doing everything by hand that the framework does for you!

I realize that I could have each class create its own logger and log but



would seem to guarantee a proliferation of logs that would be a pain to
find. It seems reasonable to me that if I have a bunch of programs,

No, no, no, no.

You don't create multiple log files, one per class. Where did you get that notion?

You set up the logging in the configuration file. Done. Simple.

You are re-inventing the logging wheel. You said,

Goodness no! I am using the Java Logging classes to do my logging. Sorry
if that wasn't clear.

but you aren't using it correctly. What you are doing is defeating the
built-in features and reinventing everything. Don't do that.

And when I said you should know both ju.logging and log4j, somehow you
inferred that to mean that you should use both in the same program. Such leaps
you make! Settle back and stick with inferences that actually follow from what
I say.

Honi soit qui mal y pense.

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