Re:, ARGS) with Safari
Richard Maher wrote:
Arved Sandstrom wrote ..
Lew wrote:
... SSCCE ... [context restored]
I agree that an SSCCE is called for in any case.
Thanks for the replies. I'll cut it down to just the, ARGS)
test tomorrow, but for now: -
Thanks for this fragment of your problem. The missing fragment is what went
wrong. Please copy and paste the actual output or errors and describe what you
expect instead. You haven't even told us what the error is!
import java.applet.Applet;
import netscape.javascript.JSObject;
import netscape.javascript.JSException;
public class JavaJSTest extends Applet {
JSObject laundry;
Object rinseArgs[] = new Object[1];
public synchronized void init() {
System.out.println("Starting Tests. . .");
JSObject window = JSObject.getWindow(this);
final String createLaundry =
"(function(){" +
"function Laundry(){" +
"this.launder = function(JSObject){" +
"alert('In Laundry');" +
"return JSObject;}}" +
"return new Laundry();" +
laundry = (JSObject)window.eval(createLaundry);
// Test function calls
String str = (String) window.eval("getString();");
if (!str.equals("Hello, world!")) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
Number num = (Number) window.eval("getNumber()");
if (num.intValue() != 5) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
// Test field access
JSObject res = (JSObject) window.eval("new cities();");
if (!((String) res.getMember("b")).equals("Belgrade")) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
res.setMember("b", "Belfast");
if (!res.getMember("b").equals("Belfast")) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
// Test CALL
Boolean ans = (Boolean)"d", null);
Could this possibly be where the error occurs?
System.out.println("ans is " + ans.booleanValue());
Really, 'System.out.println()'?
Check out java.util.logger or log4j.
// Test CALL with param
rinseArgs[0] = new String("A param");
Boolean pans = (Boolean)"e", rinseArgs);
System.out.println("param ans is " + pans.booleanValue());
// Test array access
res = (JSObject) window.eval("getTestArray();");
if (!((String) res.getSlot(0)).equals("foo") ||
!((String) res.getSlot(1)).equals("bar")) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
Could this possibly be where the error occurs?
res.setSlot(1, "baz");
if (!((String) res.getSlot(1)).equals("baz")) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
res.setSlot(2, "qux"); // Define new array element
if (!((String) res.getSlot(2)).equals("qux")) {
throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
try {
// throw new RuntimeException(); // test failed
For this sort of thing, 'IllegalStateException' is a good match.
System.out.println("This browser does not support
removeMember"); // test failed
} catch (JSException e) {
// Member should not be present any more
System.out.println(". . .Tests complete");
public void hello() {
public boolean testCall(JSObject blob) {
System.out.println("In method - testCall()");
JSObject cleanBuf;
boolean retVal = false;
try {
rinseArgs[0] = blob;
System.out.println("before launder");
try {
cleanBuf = (JSObject)"launder", rinseArgs);
catch (Exception e) {
throw e;
System.out.println("after launder");
// System.out.println("ans is " + abc.booleanValue());
Boolean resp = (Boolean)"e",null);
Could this possibly be where the error occurs?
System.out.println("Setting retVal");
retVal = resp.booleanValue();
} catch (JSException ex) {
Exception ex2 = (Exception)ex.getWrappedException();
if(ex2 != null) {
System.out.println(ex2.getClass().getName() + " " +
} else {
System.out.println(ex.getClass().getName() + " " +
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println(ex.getClass().getName() + " " +
return retVal;
And the HTML: _
<script language="javascript">
var app;
function load() {
var objectTag = "<object ";
if (/Internet Explorer/.test(navigator.appName)) {
objectTag = objectTag +
'classid="clsid:8AD9C840-044E-11D1-B3E9-00805F499D93" ';
} else {
objectTag = objectTag +
'type="application/x-java-applet" ';
objectTag = objectTag +
'width= "0" height= "0" id="app">' +
'<param name="codebase" value="">' +
'<param name="code" value="JavaJSTest">' +
'<param name="java_version" value="1.6+">' +
'<param name="mayscript" value="true">' +
'<param name="scriptable" value="true">' +
var appletDiv = document.createElement("div");
appletDiv.innerHTML = objectTag;
try {
chanG = document.getElementById("app");
catch(err) {
alert("Unable to append applet: -\n" +
chanG = null;
if (chanG == null) {
throw new Error("Was unable to initialize the applet");
var x = new cities();
var y = x.e();
alert("X = "+y);
// Return a string value to Java
function getString() {
return "Hello, world!";
function getNumber() {
return 5;
// Make an object with city names and an index letter.
function cities() {
var msg = "Good Bye";
this.a = "Athens";
this.b = "Belgrade";
this.c = "Cairo";
// this.e = function(){alert(msg); return true;};
// this.e = function(){if (window.console) {console.log("Message is "
+ msg)};return true;};
// this.e = function(){throw("A Wobbly");return true;};
cities.prototype = {
d : function(){alert("hello"); return true;}
,e : function(){alert("good-Bye"); return true;}
,f : function(param){alert("Param = " + param); return true;}
function getTestArray() {
return [ "foo", "bar" ];
function doIt() {
var list = new cities();
var reply = chanG.testCall(list);
alert("Reply = "+reply);
<body onload="load();">
<input type="Button" id="btn1" value="HitMe" onclick="doIt();"/>
Honi soit qui mal y pense.