Re: Interrupted exception chaining

Jan Burse <>
Tue, 25 Sep 2012 23:23:03 +0200
markspace schrieb:

   public boolean done; /* should be set by the thread that
                             notifies the lock */

While I agree this works in some cases,

Just replace done by the <cond> you want to anyway check.
The main point is that you cannot go, since factoring
out the programming pattern works not:

    synchronized (c) {
       while (!<cond>)

But rather simply apply the programming pattern:

    try {
       synchronized (c) {
          while (!<cond>)
    } catch( InterruptedException ex ) {

Or if you want to scare the hell out of your clients, use:

     public interface Predicate {
        public boolean _true(Object c);

    public void uninterruptableWait(Object c, Predicate p) {
       try {
          synchronized (c) {
             while (!p._true(c))
       } catch( InterruptedException ex ) {

Then what you call "SpinLock", but what I would call
"OneTimeLock". Can be implemented as follows:

     public void waitDone() {
        uninterruptableWait(lock,new Predicate() {
             return done;

Of course you can turn a "OneTimeLock" into a "ManyTimeLock",
for example. You can reset the done inside the synchronized
of the waitDone(). The synchronized will assure that when
you leave the synchronized the done=false holds, since no
other thread will interfer while inside the synchronized
and after the wait():

   public void waitDone() {
       try {
          synchronized( lock ) {
             while( !done )
       } catch( InterruptedException ex ) {

To abstract this pattern we would need:

     public interface Predicate {
        public boolean _true(Object c);

     public interface Action{
        public boolean perform(Object c);

    public void uninterruptableWait(Object c, Predicate p, Action a) {
       try {
          synchronized (c) {
             while (!p._true(c))
       } catch( InterruptedException ex ) {

And one can then do:

     public void waitDone() {
        uninterruptableWait(lock,new Predicate() {
             return done;
        }, new Action() {

Eagerly avaiting JDK 7 lambdas...


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