Question on homework....
Working on this homework - need to have java when launched the program show=
the main intro window (which it does show me) and then I need to show the =
welcome page but don't know how to make this appear right after. The last =
step is it has to show me the rules windows but not sure how I tell the sys=
tem the user wants to see the rules.
When I run the batch file the intro window appears for a few seconds but no=
t the other window why is it not picking up???? I don't understand where i=
t is getting the if type==1 ??? where is getting 1 from??? Do I need t=
o create menu to ask for type 1 or 2??? Would really appreciate if someone=
can clarify why it is not working.....
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
public class window extends JWindow
ImageIcon imIntro = new ImageIcon("images\\Lintro.jpg");
ImageIcon imWelcome = new ImageIcon("images\\Welcome.jpg");
ImageIcon imRules = new ImageIcon("images\\Rules.jpg");
static Thread t = new Thread();
static int thread = 0;
static JButton bouton;
static int X;
static int Y;
/* Parametres du constructeur :
type: 1-> Intro, 2->rules */
public window( int X, int Y, int type ) {
Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
setLocation( (dim.width - X)/2 , (dim.height - Y)/2);
Container fen = getContentPane();
if (type == 1 ) bouton = new JButton(imIntro);
else bouton = new JButton(imRules);
bouton.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(X, Y) );
if( type == 1 ) { //this is the part I don't know where is it ge=
tting it
try {
thread = 1;
catch( java.lang.InterruptedException ex ) {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "error");
/* If it is the rules - close window when user cliques*/
else {
bouton.addActionListener( new ActionListener() {
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {