cannot find symbol?

Sat, 4 May 2013 04:01:44 +0000 (UTC)
 Basically I am passing a String array to a method (verify) defined in a
 generic way in an interface in order to create an object of a certain type

 I am checking that the object of the correct type is created but when I try
to call a method java tells me "cannot find symbol"

 I squinted at it for a while, but can't see what is wrong with it

 What is wrong with this code? How do you fix that problem? Does it relate
to the use of generic declarations and/or reflection?

 lbrtchx cannot find symbol?
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

import java.util.Date;


import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

// __ mock/test object
class IADObj{
 private int d;
 private String aS;
 private Date Dt;
// __
// __
 public void setCtxt(int d, String aS, long lTm){
  this.d = d;
  this.aS = aS;
  this.Dt = new Date(lTm);
// __
 public String toString(){ return("// __ d: |" + d + "|, aS: |" + aS +
 "|, Dt: |" + Dt + "|"); }

// __
interface verifiableCLIContext06<T_Ctxt>{
 public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSArs, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK);
 public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO();

// __
class DTO_T_Ctxt06<T_Ctxt> implements verifiableCLIContext06<T_Ctxt> {
 private T_Ctxt tCtxt; // operating context

// __
 DTO_T_Ctxt06(){ System.err.println("// __ object created: |" +
getTimeStamp() + "|"); }

// __
 private String getTimeStamp(){ return((new Date()).toString()); }

// __
 public boolean verifyCtxt(String[] aSAr, Class<? extends T_Ctxt> TpArgK){
  int iArSz= Integer.MIN_VALUE;
  boolean Is = ((aSAr != null) && ((iArSz = aSAr.length) > 0));
   for(int i = 0; (i < iArSz); ++i){
    System.err.println("// __ aSAr[" + i + "]: |" + aSAr[i] + "|");
// __
    tCtxt = (T_Ctxt)TpArgK.newInstance();

    System.err.println("// __ tCtxt.getClass(): |" + tCtxt.getClass() + "|");

    tCtxt.setCtxt((new Integer(aSAr[0])).intValue(), aSAr[1],
(new Long(aSAr[0])).longValue());

cannot find symbol
symbol : method setCtxt(int,java.lang.String,long)
location: class java.lang.Object
    tCtxt.setCtxt((new Integer(aSAr[0])).intValue(), aSAr[1],
(new Long(aSAr[0])).longValue());

   }catch(InstantiationException InstX){ InstX.printStackTrace(System.err); }
    catch(IllegalAccessException IlglAxX){ IlglAxX.printStackTrace(); }
  }// (Is)
// __

// __
 public T_Ctxt getCtxtDTO(){ return(tCtxt); }

// __
public class DTO_T_Ctxt06Test{

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  IADObj IAD = new IADObj();
  String[] aSAr = new String[]{"37", "abc", (new Date()).toString()};

  DTO_T_Ctxt06<IADObj> DTO_T_Ctxt06 = new DTO_T_Ctxt06<IADObj>();

  DTO_T_Ctxt06.verifyCtxt(aSAr, IAD.getClass());
// ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

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