John B. Matthews wrote:
In article
pochis40 <> wrote:
I'm a newbie in java, and I'm trying to understand this demo applet:
html. I saved the html page, and, in the same directory, I put
Graph.class, but every browser answers:
"java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Graph.class, etc..."
I am unable to reproduce the error you describe. Try this from the
command line:
cd "\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\demo\applets\GraphLayout"
..\..\..\bin\appletviewer.exe example1.html
My CLASSPATH is: .;c:\C:\Programmi\Java\jdk1.6.0_16\lib;C:\Programmi
Really? Is that how it's supposed to be on Windows? I don't think it's
relevant to your problem, but it might help to cut and paste the actual
results you're getting.
That's a messed-up classpath. "c:\C:\"? Putting the JDK in the path?