Re: Some same exceptions used in a given file

Eric Sosman <esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid>
Sat, 23 Apr 2011 18:31:03 -0400
On 4/23/2011 6:00 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

Eric Sosman<esosman@ieee-dot-org.invalid> writes:

On 4/23/2011 1:08 PM, Merciadri Luca wrote:

In some of my code files, I've got the following catch block

          catch (IOException cantOpenFile)
                  System.err.println("Can't open " + inputFilename + ".");
more than once, but at different places in the file. Is it possible to
define this somewhere so that I can directly catch the exception with
the two given commands? (Just as one would define his own exception.)

     Could you give an example of what you're trying to do? (The
above isn't sufficiently informative.)

Thanks for the answers. Sure I can provide more details. Let us
consider the following constructor:

    public FileStream ()
                 outputFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("hello.txt"));
         catch (IOException cantWriteInFile)
                 System.out.println("Impossible to write (in) hello.txt.");
You saw that I had to catch an IOException, as expected when dealing
with a BufferedWriter.

Now, in a function of the same class of the constructor (class
FileStream), I need to write in the output file. As a result, I've got

public void write (String outputText)
         catch (IOException cantWriteInFile)
                 System.out.println("Impossible to write (in) hello.txt.");

You directly notice that the two catch blocks are identical. As a
result, I'd like to do something like this (in pseudocode):

   public FileStream ()
                 outputFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("hello.txt"));
         catch (IOException cantWriteInFile);
then, later in the file:

public void write (String outputText)
         catch (IOException cantWriteInFile);
where IOException cantWriteInFile is defined in the class as

                 System.out.println("Impossible to write (in) hello.txt.");

Is there a way to do this? It looks terribly bad to have the same
catch code in two different methods.

     See Stefan Ram's answer.

     However, it seems to me that what you want to do reeks of bad
design. For many simple programs it's true that an I/O error is
reason for termination -- but even for simple programs it is *not*
a good idea for low-level code to yank the rug out from beneath the
rest of the program. The low-level code is not aware of the wider
context in which it's being used, and is not in a good position to
make global decisions about the program's state and fate.

     Poor analogy: You leave your coat at the cleaners', and they
notice that one of the buttons has come off. "Imperfect coat," they
say, and burn it: They're sure you wouldn't want to wear an imperfect
coat, and they think they're doing you a favor by relieving you of the
expense of cleaning it. What they didn't know is that you've got a
needle and thread and are fully able to reattach the button -- except
that the coat's been burned. They made a global decision on the basis
of a local context.

     If you can't do anything constructive about an exception, the
best policy is usually to re-throw it, or not to catch it in the
first place. Change your constructor and method to

    public FileStream throws IOException { ... }

    public void write(String text) throws IOException { ... }

If the caller can do something constructive (try a different
file, perhaps?), the caller can catch your IOException and take
a different course. If the caller is helpless, it, too, can let
the exception propagate outwards to its caller, and to callers at
higher and higher levels. If nobody ever catches it, that means
nobody was prepared to deal with the situation and the program will
terminate anyhow. But if somebody along the way *can* cope with
the problem, you've allowed them to do so instead of burning the coat.

Eric Sosman

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