Re: How to implement this?
On Aug 6, 3:50 pm, Chris <> wrote:
xz wrote:
I want all the classes write the runtime information into one common
file, let's say, log.
So I define a BufferedWriter log in one of the classes and make it
public static, as follows,
public class Tester {
static String path = "/home/xi/Desktop/D2V/
static FileWriter fwlog = new FileWriter(path +
public static BufferedWriter log = new
//the rest code
However, the constructor of FileWriter throws exception so it does not
-------------------- unreported exception; must be
caught or declared to be thrown
static FileWriter fwlog = new FileWriter(path +
1 error
What can I do to handle this exception?
looks like I cannot either catch it here or put the "throws
IOException...." sentence after "public class Tester".
Try this:
public class Tester {
private static BufferedWriter logger;
public static BufferedWriter getLogger() throws IOException {
if (logger==null) {
logger = new BufferedWriter(whatever...);
return logger;
In your code, call:
Tester.getLogger().write("some message");
Of if you want to avoid the call to if (logger==null) on every log
statement, create a static init() method and call that before the first
call to getLogger().
Thanks. That works.
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