Re: Print a binary search tree
On Oct 24, 7:29 pm, Roedy Green <>
On Wed, 24 Oct 2007 08:54:47 -0700, kaltizer <>
wrote, quoted or indirectly quoted someone who said :
null <- BinarySearchTreeSet$TreeNode@69b332 -> null
You may have other problems, but I think you want to implement a
toString method for your nodes that prints out something entertaining.
Instead you are just getting the default toString which is designed
purely for debugging.
Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products
The Java Glossary
I have fixed the print to console problem. Now I am having problems
printing to the text file. I've commented in the file where the
problem is. Any help is greatly appreciated.
// Kevin Altizer 23 October 2007
// PURPOSE: File for a binary search tree class
// COMPILER: Java JDK 1.5, with jGRASP 1.8.6_04 as the IDE
// LIMITATIONS: Limited error checking
import java.util.*;
class AltizerProject4 implements Serializable {
// Inner class defining a binary tree node
private class TreeNode {
private TreeNode left;
private Comparable key;
private TreeNode right;
// Instance variables
private TreeNode root, parent, child;
private String sourceName = null;
// Constructor
public AltizerProject4() {
root = null;
// Inserts a key into the set
public void insert(Comparable key) {
TreeNode newNode;
if (search(key)) {
System.out.println("Duplicates are not allowed");
else {
newNode = new TreeNode();
newNode.key = key;
newNode.left = null;
newNode.right = null;
if (parent == null)
root = newNode;
else if (parent.key.compareTo(key) > 0)
parent.left = newNode;
parent.right = newNode;
// Removes a key from the set
public void remove(Comparable key) {
if (!search(key)) {
System.out.println(key + " is not in the database");
else {
if (child == root)
root = deleteNode(root);
else if (parent.left == child)
parent.left = deleteNode(parent.left);
parent.right = deleteNode(parent.right);
System.out.println("The name " + key + " was deleted");
// Determines whether a key is in the set
public boolean contains(Comparable key) {
if (!search(key))
return false;
return true;
// Private method that searches for a key
private boolean search(Comparable key) {
parent = null;
child = root;
while (child != null)
if (child.key.equals(key))
return true;
parent = child;
if (child.key.compareTo(key) > 0)
child = child.left;
child = child.right;
return false;
// Private method that deletes a node
private TreeNode deleteNode(TreeNode node) {
TreeNode inorderSuccessor, successorsParent;
if (node.right == null)
return node.left; // 0-1 Child
else if (node.left == null)
return node.right; // 1 Child
else { // 2 Children
successorsParent = node.left;
inorderSuccessor = successorsParent.right;
if (inorderSuccessor == null) {
node.left = successorsParent.left;
node.key = successorsParent.key;
else {
while (inorderSuccessor.right != null) {
successorsParent = inorderSuccessor;
inorderSuccessor = inorderSuccessor.right;
successorsParent.right = inorderSuccessor.left;
node.key = inorderSuccessor.key;
return node;
// print tree in order
public void print() {
private void recprint(TreeNode p) { // recursively print the tree
values in sorted order
if (p == null)
recprint (p.left);
System.out.print(p.key + "\n");
recprint (p.right);
// load data from text file
public void loadData(String sourceName) {
// Remember the source name.
this.sourceName = sourceName;
try {
// Create a BufferedReader for the file.
BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
new FileReader(sourceName));
String name;
// Read each name and number and add the entry to the list.
while ( (name = in.readLine()) != null) {
// Add an entry for this name and number.
// Close the file.
catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
// Do nothing - no data to load.
catch (IOException ex) {
System.err.println("Load of directory failed.");
// begin save method
/** Method to save the directory.
pre: The directory has been loaded with data.
post: Contents of directory written back to the file in the
form of name-number pairs on adjacent lines.
modified is reset to false.
public void save(String sourceName) {
try {
// Create PrintWriter for the file.
PrintWriter out = new PrintWriter(
new FileWriter(sourceName));
// Write the name(s) to the text file.
// The next line is where the problem is.
// For some reason I get a 'cannot fine symbol' error at
// the selection period before print();
// Close the file.
catch (Exception ex) {
System.err.println("Save of directory failed");
} // end class