Re: java multidimensional string array

"Oliver Wong" <>
Fri, 05 May 2006 17:44:43 GMT
"geletine" <> wrote in message

i have these lines
for (int i=0; i<strings.length; i++){
       outfile = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (filename),true );
       outfile.println(strings[i][0]+ " " + strings[i][1]);

for (int i=0; i<strings[0].length; i++){
      outfile = new PrintWriter (new FileWriter (filename),true );
      outfile.println(strings[0][i] + " " + strings[1][i]);

and both just print to the text file

player6 name6

i want all players and names to print to the file

    Assuming you actually want to become a skilled programmer, you need to
stop, take a step back, and revisit your programming basics, like how loops
work and such. If you have a programming textbook, go through the parts on
loops again. Otherwise you'll always be at the mercy of this newsgroup.

    - Oliver

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